Chapter Three

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Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me downward. Mayhem's first instinct was to fry whoever dared touch us until I smelled  the familiar scent of expensive perfume from a store in northern Gotham.

"Is your dad with you?"

Kit, Catwoman's son. He won't talk to me unless I am alone Not that I blamed him, even I didn't want to be around my parents. Especially my dad, who has displayed possessive tendencies with my mother and I.

I nodded and the corner of Kit's lips twitched upward into a smile. "Then let's get lost. Bats is such a buzz kill."

That's what I liked about Kit. He took notice of the dead guards left in my wake, but didn't acknowledge the corpses, but for a slight nose twitch at the smell of burned flesh. Kit understood that I didn't like what I did and that's why he stayed friends with me, because I showed remorse for the people I killed.

I climbed unto his back and Kit released the claws built into his gloves and began to scale Arkham with incredible grace I  could never hope to mimic. By the time Batman reached the building we were already out of sight, but I wasn't naïve enough to think that our little game ended here. He'd find me eventually when I decided to break my parents out of Arkham like I always did.

Kit tried to talk me out of it every time. He said my parents were better off rotting in the Asylum or dead, but the last time I listened to his advice people died. My father will never leave me alone no matter where I go or who I'm with.

My thoughts were cut short with Kit lightly squeezed my leg with his hand. I realized I was shaking and holding unto Kit's shoulder with more force than necessary. It was a miracle I hadn't shattered one of bones by now.

"It's alright Jess." His eyes, slightly covered with dark shaggy bangs,  shined with concern while he tried to muster up a smile to make me feel more at ease, but he didn't try to touch me again.

My pink lips trembled slightly and I leaned into his embrace. I didn't know how long we stayed like that until my father's laughter no longer rang in my ears and I could breathe without the constant smell of gasoline and burning wood invading my senses. Normally Mayhem would have chased the weakness away, but being around Kit always smothered her voice. I didn't quite know how to feel about that.

I stood up and absently brushed off the white gown that the Arkham doctors gave to me to change into and focused my blue eyes on Kit's face. "Let's go. I don't want to go back there."

The mischievous smile was back on Kit's face, making him look much younger than sixteen. "Mom knows your coming. She made your favorite for lunch."

 My stomached rumbled and with a childish smile I jumped up and down in excitement. Selena made the best pizza I'd ever tasted. "With lollipops?"

"Sure. You okay to run?"

I grinned and took off into a sprint, effortlessly jumping across the buildings while laughing when Kit tried to catch up to me.


"Your late," said Selene with a small smile as she sat perched on the arm of her strawberry colored couch, "The food's gotten cold little ones."

I blushed, remembering the meltdown I had on the roof not too long ago. Clearly Kit had the same thoughts, because he looped his arm around my waist.

"Let's get you into something presentable hun." Selene jumped down from her place on the couch and walked toward the guest bedroom.

I sat down on the soft vivid red carpet and looked around the apartment in wonder. Even though this isn't the first time I've been here it never ceases to surprise me how beautiful Selene's home is. It's a lavish three bedroom apartment in northern Gotham with pink walls surrounded by white trim. The windows were always clear and gave me a full view of the city. To top it off all of the furniture was a soft pink and when you sat down on the couch or chairs it felt like sitting on a cloud. Sometimes I found myself wishing that I could trade places with Kit and experience what it was like living with a loving parent in a picture perfect home.

Kit's hand found its way to right cheek and I winced slightly at the gentle touch. Protective anger radiated off of his body as he saw the brand that had been so carelessly seared unto my face a couple of days ago. I had angered my father when I had refused to kill a mother in front of child and in return he branded the word Joker on my cheek in small letters. I hadn't the courage to face my reflection in the mirror just yet, but I knew it was there. Just mocking me.

I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut. My fists were clenched and my nails dug into creamy skin where they left crescent shaped marks. Kit got the message and moved his hand away and headed to the bathroom only to return with a cool washcloth and a cotton ball with alcohol on it. While he began to clean the wound on my cheek Selene returned with a black knee length skirt, dark tights, and a long sleeved white shirt with black combat books covered with golden laces.

To Selene's credit she didn't flinch when she saw my cheek and only glanced at it for a second then set the clothes to the side of me before going to the kitchen and coming back with a bubblegum lollipop in her right hand. I pulled away from Kit while he was applying the alcohol on my cheek and snatched piece of candy from Selene after giving her a rushed thank you. Amusement brightened her green eyes and she ruffled my hair while I sucked on the lollipop.

Kit sighed and patted the section of carpet I was sitting on before and I happily skipped toward and sat down, crossing my legs in the process.

It won't stay this way for long

"I know I just want to enjoy it will it lasts," I muttered quietly deliberately ignoring Kit's questioning glance.  


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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