Chapter 6

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Hilda entered the room and stared at Raven. He was sitting down staring back at her. "Have a seat. Today at night there's going to be a meeting. I was invited and I want you to come,"

"Take Jazz, she always goes with you."

"This time I want you to come, so Dustin can feel comfortable." Hilda nodded.

"You'll find me at Jesse's." She got up and walked inside the elevator. She pushed the button and went down. Time passed and Hilda was on her way home with Jesse.

"Is she home?" She asked him as they came to a red light.

"Not right now, the neighbor takes care of her. They have triplets the same age as her. Two boys and a girl," Hilda smiled. Jesse opened the door and turned on the lights. "I'm going to get her," Hilda nodded and sat down.

"Mommy," Hilda turned around and saw Eve running towards her.

"I've missed you so much," She said hugging her.

"I did too!" She laughed as they sat down. "Are you going to stay?"

"Yes, but I have to help your uncle Raven first."

"Can we sleep together?" She asked staring at them; Hilda looked at Jesse and smiled.

"When I come back if you're still awake we'll read you a story and if you're asleep I'll come get you and the three of us will sleep together." Eve smiled.


"Can you go pick me a dress to wear?" Eve grinned and ran upstairs. "How is she doing?" She asked Jesse.

"She's doing alright, better than I expected. As you saw, when she gets excited her tail appears."

"She's starting to look like you," Hilda said. "Especially her eyes, deep blue." Jesse smiled and looked up as Eve ran downstairs.

"The dress is on the bed."

"Thank you sweetie," Hilda kissed her on the cheek.

"Mommy, where do baby dragons come from?" They both stared at her.

"Why do you ask?" Jesse replied.

"Sarah told me babies come from a big bird and drops them to the mommy and daddy."

"Eve, human babies are different from us dragons. When a mommy and daddy want a baby they go to the Jabberwocky and ask him for an egg. The mommy and daddy give the egg a kiss and wait. When it's ready the baby comes out." Hilda smiled at her. "Great Grandpa was the Jabberwocky when you were born."

"Mommy is uncle Raven going to be the Jabberwocky?"

"No, he wants to be Raven not the Jabberwocky." Jesse smiled at Hilda.

"Eve let's go watch cartoons?" Eve nodded and left. "Is it alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Should we tell her the truth?"

"Jesse I took the responsibility of being her mother. She may not have my blood running through her veins but I will protect her as if she was." Hilda stared at him in the eyes. "She's my daughter, but if you want to tell her the truth you can," Jesse shook his head.

"I just don't want us to be a burden," Jesse replied.

"How are you both a burden to me? You're my general and the father of my daughter." She looked at the time. "I need to change; I'll try to come early."

"Don't worry, take your time." Hilda ran upstairs and started to get ready.

"Mommy uncle Raven is here!" Hilda walked downstairs and smiled.

"Thank you, I'll try to come early." She kissed her on the cheek and stared at Raven.

"Bye mommy, bye uncle Raven." Eve and Jesse waved good bye as they got inside the car.

"Where's Dustin?" Hilda said as she looked inside the car.

"We're going to pick him up on the way. The five families are going to be there,"

"Not surprising." They drove in silence. Raven parked and got out. He knocked at the door and Dustin came out and both walked to the car.


"Hi," Hilda replied. In minutes they reached the building and they got outside and walked inside.

"Ramond, it's a pleasure to see you,"

"The same Ms. Miller," He kissed her hand. She blushed and smiled.

"This must your beautiful wife," She stared at Hilda smiling.

"Thank you but I'm his sister," Hilda said as she shook her hand.

"This is my sister Hilda and brother Dustin," Raven said introducing them.

"Pleasure meeting you all," She shook Dustin's hand. "Ramond the other families came," Hilda looked around and saw them. Lucifer's and Skull's parents were talking and the other parents were giving them their backs.

"Go with Raven," Hilda told Dustin.


"Because the families won't dislike you, they didn't want me to part of the Seven Dragons."

"Well if it isn't Hilda." She turned around to face Lucifer's and Skull's parents. "Long time no see,"

"It's been to long Mr. and Ms. Moore and Thompson." Hilda forced a smiled at them.

"I heard that my son and you agreed on something." Mr. Moore said.

"Surprisingly," Hilda replied. "This is Dustin; he'll be taking over grandfather's company."

"Do the elders know?" He asked smiling at Dustin.

"No, some of us still doubt."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." Both the families bowed. "We will leave,"

"You should go with Raven. He's probably talking about you," Hilda said staring at Raven.

"Who were they?"

"The one I was talking to was Lucifer's parents; the other two were Skull's. The ones talking to Raven are Regan's parents the Wright's, on Ravens left are Shadow's, the Hall's and on his right are Phantom's, the Anderson's." Hilda grabbed a glass of water. "They run companies in this world. The families dislike me so if you don't want a hard time go to Raven." She pushed him towards Raven, and he stared back at her.

"I want you all to meet the new Jabberwocky, Dustin." Raven presented him.

"So he is accepted?" Mr. Anderson asked.

"Not completely. Lucifer, Skull and Hilda doubt him."

"It's no surprise. Numbers four, three and two are always against the Jabberwocky, especially with our second Jabberwocky." Mrs. Hall said.

"I believe the event is starting," Dustin said. Raven checked his watch.

"You are right. It was a pleasure to see you all," Raven bowed and they walked to the table. The event lasted for an hour. Raven and the families donated money and once again they were inside the car heading home.

"Why did I have to come to this event?" Dustin asked as he loosened his tie.

"To meet the families and help protect the environment," Raven said. Dustin stared at him confused.

"Back before humans populated the earth, it was healthy and there was no extinction of animal or plant. We dragons lived in peace with humans but once their population started to increase we were hunted for our bodies. There was a war between the humans and dragons and in the end a treaty was created. We left earth in the hands of humans but we came back to protect our birth place before it rots to the core because of selfish humans. We need nature to stay alive,"

"Why did you guys come here?" Raven smiled.

"The seven dragons are the ones that prepare the Jabberwocky in the human world, ever since the second Jabberwocky, he was a human." They dropped Dustin off and drove to Jesse's house. "How's Eve?"

"Alright, her tail still pops out when she's excited." Hilda grinned. She waved good bye and stepped inside.

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