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Farkle's POV:

Boys and girls being friends has it positives and negatives.

You can getting good advice on dating the other gender, be more understandable of the other gender and just have fun being friends.

But then there's the possiblity, of what will happen with that relationship. It can go two ways:

A). Stay friends and have a sibling love for each other.

B). Have feelings for your friends and what to be theirs.

I'm in the crisis of B, I'm in love with my bestfriend Riley.

She has the perfect amount of happiness, confidence, goofiness, prettiness and many more. Her eyes have a certain shine in them, her smile makes my tummy go all butterfiles, her laugh gives me life and her hugs, I feel as if she should be protected at all causes.

But that moment where they find someone else and it's not you, it likes having your heart broken in to two pieces. Jealousy and Sadness.

"Farkle, Charlie asked me out and I said yes!" She says with a big smile on her face, before squealing along with Maya as she already heard.

My heart, broken into two. I froze on the spot, everything around me seemed to slow down. Why can't I make you that happy in seconds?

"Oh, good for you!" I say in a fake happy tone before saying, "I'm just going to my locker to get my textbooks."

I walk away from them, and the energy inside of me started to let loose and my heart felt heavy. I felt as if I was carrying rocks, my throat was stuck, my eyes were in pain of how I was carrying this urge to cry.

I soon reached the place for freedom of speech, the rooftop. There I knew that I would breakdown, cry, scream. Nobody hears what you say, you're too high for them to hear.

I drop my stuff on the floor and closing the door, before sliding down the door and tears were already flowing down my cheeks. I sobbed quietly, into my lap and craddling myself.

When we were young, everyone knew I had a crush on her, so I tried to be dramatic with it and pretend that she was this addictive drug. It managed to grow attention away from it's real purpose, I loved her. I loved her since I was 7, young love is hard to know if it's real. It certainly felt real for me.

I wipe the tears from my orange turtleneck and compared myself to Charlie.

He had styled hair, I have a weird thick bowl hair cut.

He wears dark clothes, I wear bright, vibrant colours.

He's cool and mysterious, I'm just goofy and weird.

He's something, I'm nothing.

Is that why Riley likes him more?

Or is it because I'm not good enough?


hey so this my first riarkle book!

as you can see, farkle is quite sensitive and insecure. this is just a led up to his puberty as it grows his maturitys and how he grows to a man.

this book will not follow accurately the GMW plotline, yet it will have a twist and more teen adult action - to make it seem more realistic.

there will be no lucaya, sadly.

also, don't expect long chapters because i like it short!

that will be all!

also thanks to seouldrafts an amazing cover, so beautiful!

also, the videos i put up are not mine but they are very good i hope you'll get into those riarkle feels by watching them!

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