
807 19 2

Yn pov
Hey guys I'm yn Knowles I'm 16 an I'm also a twin my twin sisters name is India she's like so popular an I'm like a shadow I also have 4 brothers Chris ,Bryson,Trey and Marcus there very protective over me an India but Yea that's it -End pov

India pov
Hey chicas if yn hasn't told you Beyonce is our mom an Steph curry is our father I have Boyfriend his name is brycyn not my brother an Yea he's 17.End pov

Chris pov
Wassup I'm 17 about to be 18 I don't really have anything to say so peace ✌

Bryson pov
Wassup y'all I'm Bryson I know how to sing an rap I'm also 17 but me an Chris aren't twins so peace .

Trey pov
I'm Trey 18 about to be 19 an Yea I'm the star quarter back an I graduate soon peace End pov

Marcus pov
Wassgood ppl I'm Marcus 19 going on 20 I'm the oldest an I play basketball I'm also in college
End pov

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