Egyptian Slaves

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Me: *rolls on the floor of the mansion* Rolling is a lot faster guys!

Jeff: *watches, leaning on wall* dumb ass

Paper Airplane: *flies through window* I'm here bitches!

Jeff: *runs to go get it*

Me: *rolls reaching it faster* Ha, told you! Oh it's a dare! It says


i dare for everyone to go to egypt and build a giant golden staue of me holding the globe of the earth. and you're all my slaves for the next three week. -laughs evilly-

Me: *nosebleed and faints*

Jeff- uh... what?

Me: *sits up and dramatically says* The typos! Gah! 'egypt' is to be 'Egypt', 'staue' is to be 'statue', and we need capital at beginning of first sentence and a coma not a period between 'earth' and 'and'!

Jane: and you're not at all fazed by the whole slavery thing and building a statue?

Me: uh no jeez I know I'm crazy but not that crazy! Gosh *eyes go white and teleports everyone to Egypt in Egyptian slave attire* Ready?


Everyone but Me: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Scourge: WORK!!! *cracks whip again*

*Five days later*

Me: *is eating French fries, leaning against the half built statue*

Scourge: *pulls out spray bottle* GET BACK TO WORK PEASANT!!! *squirts Me*

Me: *hisses, tail lashing and runs off to get back to work* I'M NOT THE PEASANT PEASANT!

*Another few days*

Jeff: *lays on the ground, dead tired* It's done...

BEN: I just wanna go play video games...

Slendy: Damn you child, why did you have to start this ask dare thing?

Me: *looks innocent even though eyes are orange* I dunno...

Scourge: hmmm.... *is looking at statue* Perfect! Now you all are still my slaves for another two weeks!

Everyone but Me Again: *screams in terror and anger*

Me: *eats French fries and watches* Ok French Fry whatever you say

Scourge: Don't call me that

Jeff: Wait... French Fry?

Everyone: *laughs*

Scourge: HARD LABOR FOR ALL OF YOU!!! *cracks whip*

Me: *giggles* Vote, comment, and follow! Bye~

Scourge: NOW! *cracks whip*

Everyone: ugh!!!!!

Ask/Dares Of The CreepyPastas!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora