RayMan: A Common Enemy

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RayMan was hopeful when the flying pirateship came into view. "Hold on Ly.... I'm coming...." RayMan said to himself. As they neared the ship, Hoodlums and Robots started shooting at them. "AAAAH! Look out!" the mosquito yelled, taking evasive action. RayMan was almost hit by a bullet, it was an inch away from his face. He jumped off of the mosquito, and landed on the ship. He was being shot at, but he quickly evaded them; some of the bullets hit the other villains. RayMan laughed a bit, and began to punch some of them- despite him being injured. He kept beating the minions of his enemies- when mosquito decided to help. He flew around, stinging the robots, while RayMan was punching the snot out of some Hoodlums. Eventually, however, he was surrounded. Mosquito tossed him some golden power gloves. RayMan caught them, and put them on. "Thanks mosquito... Lets rock!" He bashed everyone in sight, and they fell at the flick of a wrist.

Soon, the battle had ended. RayMan took off the golden gloves, and mosquito said, "well... See ya later, RayMan." RayMan waved bye, and he walked inside of the pirate ship. There were sleeping Robo-Pirates, and Hoodlums were playing poker. They were loudly laughing and talking. RayMan had thought, "I don't think I should disturb these guys...." RayMan was sneaking past, climbing the netting on the ceiling, crawling through airvents.... When he finally came across a door, it had a sign labeled, "The Captain's Quarters". RayMan stood there for a second, not knowing what to do. He looked around, and finally thought of an idea. He punched a sleeping Robo-Pirate, then knocked loudly the door, and hid behind a box. Razorbeard shouted. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" The RoboPirate was dumbfounded. "Wha- ah didn' do nothin!" He said, looking around. Razorbeard shouted, "IM GOING TO THROW YOU INTO THE LAVA PIT!" Razorbeard grabbed the RoboPirate- despite being half his size- and dragged him away.

Once they were out of sight, RayMan entered the room. There was a ladder. He climbed it, and entered yet another room. There was Ly- trapped in a machine. RayMan was happy he found her. He broke the machine, and asked Ly if she was ok. "I'm alright, thank you, RayMan." RayMan smiled. "Good." She did some hand motions and they were teleported to the stone formation RayMan found empty earlier. It was night- the moon was bright, and the ocean had a brilliant bright reflection. The trees were rustling quietly in the soft breeze, and butterflies flew gracefully by. Lums had a warm, yellow glow that lit up the forest, and the smell of sweet honeydew filled the air. RayMan was gazing at the many stars, when Ly asked him something. "Why did you save me, RayMan? I'm not strong enough to grant you anymore powers...." RayMan was a bit startled, and his voice stinged with emotion. "I didn't do it just for the powers." Ly was confused, and sat down beside him. "Then..... Why?" RayMan looked at her. He couldn't really get the right words out, so he hesitated to say anything. But he said, "Because I..... I was worried about you...."

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