Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with the sun shining in my face. I went straight down to the kitchen. Everyone must have gone out to do their duties for the day, so I had the house to myself. I made myself some breakfast then I took a shower. Then I decided to catch up with the latest episode of my favourite TV series Vampire Diaries. Well the only reason why I even watch the show is because of the Salvatore brothers. What can I say, they're hot for vampires. I kept on watching until I got really bored. I could feel my wolf begging me to change.

"Stop whining, we're gonna go for a run. I just need to let Derrick know that we're gonna be out for a while" that seemed to calm her down. So I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Derrick.

"Derrick? Derrick can you hear me?" I tried for nearly 30 minutes but he never answered. I was getting really pissed off because I know that he was ignoring me. He knew that it was me but why isn't he answering. "Fine, don't wanna listen to me...fine" I said to myself as I stormed out of the house through the backyard. Once I was in the woods, I broke into a run. I was so angry that I shifted into my wolf without taking of my clothes first. Well, they're in shreds now so I'm not going to be shifting back anytime soon. I ran and ran until I found myself standing where I was found 9 years ago. I lay down exactly where Luke found me. I just stayed there and thought of what my life would've been if Luke didn't find me. I've always been thankful for that and that's why I respect him and think of him as my real father.

I kept on rethinking about what happened that day. Even though I've accepted Luke and Emily as my parents but there was always a part of me that wanted to find out about my real parents. I wanted to know who they were and what happened to them. Are they still alive? Did they love me or did they abandon me? A tear drop fell onto my cheek as I thought about my real parents. My 20th birthday was coming up and the one thing that I wanted for my birthday was to find my real parents. Since we all didn't know when my real birthday was, we decided to let my birthday be on the day that Luke found me. There were just so many questions that I had that I know that they were the only ones that could answer it. I was thinking too much that I cried and drifted off into a deep sleep

Derricks POV

I was busy fighting a couple of rogues that some of my friends and I encountered during our patrols. I contacted the Alpha and my dad about the situation so they were on their way. I was still fighting when I heard Lisa trying to get through to me but I ignored her. In a matter of minutes, my dad and the alpha got here and finished of the last rogues.

"Is everyone alright?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, just a few bruises....but they're healing though" one of the boys said.

"What happened?" our alpha asked.

"We were patrolling when we caught them trespassing. We told them that if they leave, no one's gonna get hurt. But they refused to leave and then they attacked us" I said.

"Ok and well done to all of you for handling the situation. You've all worked hard for today. Now you're all dismissed for today" Alpha Michael ordered. And so we all left my dad and the alpha to deal with the matter. It was already dark so I got into my 2015 Ford Mustang and went home. When I got home, my mom was pacing back and forth in the living room. She was holding the phone in her hand and she looked worried. She didn't notice me so I walked up to her.

"Mom, are you ok? Did something happen?" I said as I stopped in front of her. I wanted to know what was happening. I've never seen her like this. She looked worried and scared at the same time.

"Derrick honey, is your sister with you?" She said as she looked behind me, hoping to see Lisa.

"No, she's supposed to be here. Why?" I asked. Then I remembered Lisa trying to contact me when I was fighting. She was trying to contact me but ignored her because I didn't want to be distracted.

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