Chapter One: I Did It

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Chapter One

Kaye struggled to  fit the key into the ignition of her truck. It had been an entire weekend, and her hands hadn't stopped shaking for a single moment. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, steadying her hands just enough so that she could slide the key into the slot. She gave a forceful turn and the truck sputtered to life, emitting an enormous black cloud of protest. Her truck was so old that she was in constant fear that it would break down and die in th-

She shook the thoughts away. Death was not something she wanted to be reminded of right now. She reached down to put the truck in reverse, but a small scream caught in her throat. She threw open the door and went into a coughing fit so violent that she ended up dry heaving until she thought she was going to pass out. After a few moments of her body's failed attempt to purge her insides, she turned back to stare at the slither of silver that was peeking out at her from underneath a foul smelling rag. Not wanting to touch it, she kicked the rag and it's contents and sent it skittering onto the floor, causing the rag to slightly separate from whatever was held inside. She let out a small sob as her hand darted out to refasten the rag around the deep brown handle that was jutting out from under the rag. She winced when her hand touched one of the dark stains, but proceeded to hide the little parcel in her glove box after deciding it was the best thing to do with it until later. Later she would have to find somewhere to bury it so no one could find it and forget the whole thing.

Who am I kidding? She slammed her face onto the top of the steering wheel squeezed her eyes shut. They will be waiting to take me away as soon as I get there. Her breathing grew labored as she tried to keep her tears from pouring down. They will know it was me. They'll know what I did.

Forcing the feeling of nausea back down, she pulled out of the driveway, eyes strained with a mixture of sadness and exhaustion. She chewed the bottom of her lip raw as she drove, trying to focus on the pain and nothing else. It seemed all too soon that she pulled into the packed parking lot of the high school, a district she had gone to her entire life. The town was small, so it would be easier to just turn herself in now rather than try and hide from an entire town that had known her since she was in diapers.

She pulled into the nearest open spot and turned off her truck, that had most likely given away her arrival with all the raucous the engine made. Taking in another deep breath, she stepped out of the truck and made her way up to the building. She pulled up her hood and kept her head down as she made her way through the crowd.

So far so good...

She kept her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with anyone she passed. Minus a few clashing shoulders, no one seemed to notice her or even care that she was here. She made it to her locker without incident, but her heart seemed to pound harder and harder with every passing minute. They would find her soon. They would been on their way with handcuffs ready and a claustrophobic cell waiting back at the station. She pulled the lock off of her locker and grabbed her first hour notebook, not that she would need it. She just wanted to keep up this ruse a little while longer while she still had the chance to be normal.

"Micheala!" someone called from not far behind. She froze and closed her eyes, ready to be thrown up against the locker like she had seen happen on Cops numerous times. "Kaye, what are you wearing? You look like you've been tromping around in the woods," giggled a familiar voice.

Kaye looked down at  her baggy grey sweatpants and wrinkled white t-shirt, then shuddered when she realized what had been said. She fought to bring a convincing smile to her face before turning to face her friend. She didn't have to guess who it was, for there was only one person who bothered to talk to her in the mornings.

"Hey, May," she said with a halfhearted laugh. Maye placed a hand on her hip and raised a thick ridiculously thick eyebrow. May had this thing where she believed her eyebrows to be as thick as Sasquatch's, but never bothered to thin them out because they 'added character.' In reality they were not even much thicker than the average person's, but she tended to exaggerate things a lot; Which Kaye always assumed was a side effect of her creative nature.

"Alright, why do you look like death?" she accused. Kaye flinched at her choice of words, but shrugged anyways, pretending that nothing had happened. May just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You're a freak," she sighed, but winked so Kaye knew she was only kidding with her. May grabbed Kaye and pulled her into a particularly suffocating hug considering she had decided to wear a low cut shirt that day. May was very well endowed, and loved nothing more than to share her gifts with whoever was around. Kaye flailed madly, fighting to get enough air to live. May laughed and released her from her vice grip. "Feel better?"

Kaye smiled and nodded, even though May's enthusiasm would do nothing to help her today. If anything, she was only making her feel worse. The thought of never seeing her best friend again tore her to pieces.

"Weeeell, aren't you one for words today," she sighed, flicking her deep violet tinted hair out of her face. She linked her arm with Kaye's and practically dragged her across the hallway in the direction of their shared first hour. Kaye's ocean blue eyes flitted around frantically. There was no way she would be able to stay under the radar with May dragging her along, chatting loudly, unaware of the word quiet's meaning. Not only was she drawing attention to Kaye, but she was taking her somewhere she really did not want to be. He had sat right next to her in anatomy and physiology and now he would never be ther-

"May, would you chill out!" Kaye snapped, coming off harsh. May's carefree expression immediately twisted into a look filled with hurt. Her almost chocolately eyes already looked near tears.

"Kaye, you never yell at me..." May frowned. Just being around May made her fall deeper and deeper into depression, and now she was upsetting her. She didn't want her last memory of May to be that of her crying.

"I'm sorry it's just..." Kaye started to apologize, but could find no words. Instead she stood there slack jawed, unable to even look her friend in the eyes.

"Did something happen between you and Micah?" May asked in as much of a whisper she could manage. Kaye's mouth snapped shut and she sped up her pace, gripping her notebook to her chest. "Hey, something did happen!" May exclaimed, rushing to keep up with her, which was slightly complicated considering Kaye was 5'10" and slender while she was roughly five foot and petite, meaning she had short stubby legs.

"C'mon Kaye, you know you can tell me anything. Did you guys get into another fight?" she asked. Kaye rounded the corner into the classroom, completely ignoring her friend's question. She could hear May let out a frustrated groan as she sat down in her seat, which was the one in the far right corner, way out in No Man's Land. Kaye took her normal place beside her, and flipped open her notebook and started scribbling on an already full page of notes and other various doodles to keep herself from having the mental breakdown she could feel on the edge of her mind, looming closer with each passing moment.

"If I need to have a word or two with him, you know I will!" she fumed. "I'm tired off him pulling this crap. You shouldn't have to deal with it, Kaye."

Kaye rolled her eyes, and shook her head, refusing to look up from her drawing. May opened her mouth to say something else, but was cut off by the sound of the first bell. She gave a loud humph and sat back in her seat, arms crossed. Kaye paused to rub her temples solemnly, happy for the moment of peace.

"Hey! I have a bone to pick with you!' May stood and yelled across the room at one of the people had begun pouring in with the crowd. Kaye sighed, the moment of silence was gone. "What did you do to Kaye you jerk?" she as she made her way to whoever it was that she was yelling at. Kaye froze. Wait...

She looked up from her desk, and followed the direction that May had run off to. She felt as though a cold gust of wind had somehow blown through and chilled her to the bone. Her look of horror was met by a look of cool satisfaction.

"It can't be..." she whispered, an incredulous look on her face.

"Hey, babe," smiled the other as he took his seat beside hers. Her body began to shiver in fear and disbelief.

"But... I... I..."

I killed you.


Word Count: 2031

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