Day2: Cuddling

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Almost forgot about this oops, not like anyone's reading tho so I guess I COULD slack

Anyways here it is

Gilbert LOVED Saturday nights, it was of course their annual movie night where they'd stay up late and cuddle on the couch till they'd pass out watching movies. As much as Gilbert denied it he loved cuddles almost as much as he loved the Austrian boy himself.

Gilbert finally finished setting up the couch for cuddles and went to retrieve the fresh popcorn and other snacks out the kitchen when he heard the door open.

"Gilbert, I'm home." He heard the Austrian man sigh before taking a seat on the couch.

"Welcome Home Roddy, hard day?" Gil asked reentering the living room, placing the snacks on the table around them.

"Yeah, You'd think working at a music store would be easy, First Liz and Tino didn't show up, not to mention Felix was late. Some Russian guy came in scaring the hell out of Toris and I had to try sell to him and stop repairing Lukas Violin, AND HE DIDNT EVEN BUY ANYTHING. Then-" The albino interrupted him in a kiss, Roderich was so caught up ranting he didn't know the other had already put a movie in pressing play, and had taken a seat next to him.

"Roderich, calm down dear. Relax, it's movie night. Full of kisses, cuddles, snacks, and my awesomeness." Gilbert half joked.

"You're right, It's saturday, I should relax." Roderich responded, pulling the other into a kiss.

(Smol time skip donated by the smol Latvia, Who is actually the largest of the Baltics)

They were in the middle of watching some German action movie cuddling. The Austrian wrapped in the self proclaimed Prussian man's arms.

Gilbert snuggled into Roderich's neck more, kissing his neck lightly mumbling 'I love you's and other sweet things into the others ear.

Gilbert loved Saturdays the best, cuddles and kisses.

Roderich also enjoyed them, feeling loved and relaxed.

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