the demon that killed my sister chap. 4

447 15 3
  • Dedicated to natbabe!!!

Hey so srry it took me sooo long. I had a Christmas concert, color guard, 2 of my mom's jewelry party's, friends over, and lots of homework because exams are coming up, and I'm not doing to well. Soooooo Hope you like it and please please with a cherry on top VOTE and COMMENT!!! See, the vote buttons right up there!!! *points upward and smiles.* <3 clary

Page's POV

    No! no! no! no! It's not real! it's not real.  

I lay crumpled on the bathroom floor screaming with my hands covering my face, and blood dripping off my fingers as I scratched my temples, as if through pain, I could erase what now shone behind my closed eyelids.  

Heaven. It was Heavens crumpled body that lay in the bathtub, lying in a pool of blood. Her eyes were gone from her sockets, and her bones stuck out at her joints, broken into fragment, and her skin lay over the broken bones like a thin red coat. 

It was horrible. 

Why? Why did this have to happen to me.! Why couldn't I have been born into a normal family, with normal parents, and a normal job, and a sister that was still alive and buging me to death about clothes' and boy problems. Instead, I get:  

1. A Hunter family with a dead mom, and crazy dad. 

2. I'm a Hunter, it's in my blood and I like being a hunter.  

3. A dead sister 

It was all my fault. I'm the one who let her come with me on this mission. I'm the one who got locked out of our dorm room, because i couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut, and left her unprotected. 

And I'm the one who promised her. PROMISED HER. I wouldn't let anything happen to her the day that i had killed our mother.

I was only 10 years old, and she was beating heaven up again for trying to take a cookie out of the cookie jar. At first I just stood there, because this had happened many times before, but it usually stopped when blood came. 

But my mother didn't stop. She had been at a club called the "KICK" and she was drunk.  

Heaven bent over and crumpled to the floor and I thought it was over,because mom let go of her, but only to grab the wooden spoon and start hitting her agin. I could see as heaven's breathing slowed down, and her eyelids fluttered as if she was holding up a big weight. Mom was going to kill her.  

"NO!!" I had jumped behind my mom and grabbed her neck, pushing her to the ground. My mom looked up at me in shock, like she never thought she'd ever be overpowered by her own daughter. But she just had, and once the adrenaline flows all thought goes. 

I twisted moms neck and she made a gurgling noise before her body went limp and I was left there with a dead mom, an angry dad, and dying sister.  

I remember trying to keep her alive as I nursed her wounds and blew air into her lungs. And right before she fell into the black hole that was waiting to take her, she made me promise that I would not let either of us come into harms way. That we stoodtogether no matter what. 

And I broke that promise.

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the floor beneath me. I had to get out of here. But my body wouldn't move. I was in total shock and my body froze up with my mind as it tried to process what was going on. 

I could hear footsteps echo down the hall and someone calling my name as my screams ceased.  

The door burst open and suddenly hands were around me. Comforting me. (or at least trying to comfort me anyway.) 

"Page ! Page! what's the matter!" 

"The... tub..., look in the... bath..tub." The words barely came out of my mouth. When I heard a gasp and the hands holding me tightened there grip. 

" Come on page, I'm getting you out of here." 

He tried to pull me up on my feet but I wouldn't budge.  


I looked up from my hands into his gray eyes. "I.. can't.. move..." 

And I started crying again. I couldn't help it.  

" Ok, hold onto me. I got you.." 

Caleb picked me up into cradling position, and I grabbed hold of his shirt with my bloody hands. 

    He took me back through the halls and set me down onto the couch I had just been on not long before and pulled the covers up over me, and to my surprise, he kissed me on the forehead. 

"Wait here, I'll be right back." 

   He walked over to the corner of the room and took out a cell phone, and started dialing. It wasn't long before someone picked up, and he was speeding away with the details about what had just happened. His face turned from concern to angry, and he started yelling. He slammed the phone shut. 

"Who.. was... t-th-that..?" I stuttered. 

"What's.. w-wrong..?" 

" He looked away as if ashamed and said " The Committee." 

"There sending a clean up crew, and a cab over to take us to a bus. They want to talk to you, and I have this feeling, that this isn't going to end well.." 

And so fast, I couldn't see what had happened till it collided, his fist punched through the wall. Leaving a whole, and tearing the flesh of his knuckles.

" I know its got a lot a violence ad stuff right now but it's about to calm down a litle, and u'll see more of calebs POV soon. thats a promise. either in chap. 5 or 6. keep reading, and i need some ideas. go to my page or just post it here, and tell me what u would like to see happen when they get to the comittee, what u want page and caleb to tlk bout on the way, wat u want to see happen in their relationship, and anything else u can thk bout!!!! thx!! comment!! <3 CLARRISSA

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