May 2, 2014 2 Years

10 2 2

So many thingss I wish to tell you,
To show you.
Most I know you can see,
So many time I cry at the thought of you,
So many I laugh.
The memories are what keep me going,
And the thought that you'd be proud,
Helps me push through the tough times.
Your an Angel flying high above us all.
2 years.
That's all its been,
But it feels so much longer.
I miss your smile,
Your laugh,
Your ability to calm a room, with a smile.
Your dance moves, lol.
But knowing you're where its better,
Knowing you can see us all now,
And that you can watch us all grow,
And not be restricted to waiting for us to come to you.
It helps me,
Because I know you're happy.
Even so the selfish part of me wishes you were here.
So I could hug you,
Sing with you and here your voice,
Dance with you,
Come to you when I'm sad, mad, or excited.
And hear your voice tell me everything's gonna be ok.
But since I can't I'll just say now.
5-2-14 RIP I love you now and Forever.

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