The Game

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Ace sat in the interrogation room for what seemed like hours. He twiddled his thumbs with an ocean of thoughts. It seemed like the waves of thoughts crashed around in his head, just before turning into a hurricane. "Why would someone do that!" "What do they want from me?" Through all these thoughts one seemed to be the biggest. "What game?" Ace repeated this over and over for what seemed like years. Ace could barley answer any thoughts much less gather them before a police officer came into the room.
"Hello Mr Winters, I'm Agent Freely. I am apart of the FBI and I have been signed to the case of the BlackJack killer, is there anything you can tell me?"
Ace gulped and looked up. Through all of hits thoughts he managed to blurt out
"Who is BlackJack"
"BlackJack is a recently come about serial killer. He has already been through 5 cities and No one has completed his game, nor see him."
Freely said bluntly. He was about to speak again before ace cut him off
"What does he want with me?"
Ace questioned his thoughts coming back like a raging unrelenting force.
"That is what we don't understand. He goes about and picks one person, and what we now believe he will kill their immediate family and then go after his friends and relatives. BlackJack forces the player into a series of sick twisted riddles and traps to reach him. We don't know what will happen to someone who succeeds"
The thoughts from Ace loosing his friends and family to this maniac flooded into his brain filling it with gruesome images of his family on the floor of his living room.
"What am I going to do!" Aces brain shouted it to him. He felt like his brain was going to explode and he would loose it. Just then the Agent spoke again.
"If you don't mind we will put you in a holding cell over night so you don't have to be afraid"
The endless rambling of the voices in Aces head began to calm down. He liked the idea of staying in a cell overnight so one could get him.
Ace was lead to his cell and he later down. This time taking the sweet time to calm his thoughts.
The lights flickered on and off, just for a few seconds and they came back on. This seemed to happen a lot each time seeming to be a little longer each time. Although ace didn't mind he was tired from everything hitting him at once. After a few hours that felt to be eternity Ace found it a little harder the sleep then he had initially thought. For something was very unsettling to him. Like he missed something. Then the knowledge came at once. Ace just realized a playing card was leaning between the bars of the cell. Ace was filled with instant terror, he couldn't breath. How long had the card been there? Who could have place it there? These thoughts screamed in his head. There was no one that had been in there recently. He could just finish the thought when the lights went out. Ace froze instantly and curled up into a call in the jail corner. He sat just eating to hear a noise. Something to tell him what's going on. He waited there sitting in a ball shaking. Fearing this was his last then the lights flickered on. Ace stood up and ran into the door and surprisingly it was open. Ace didn't know whether to rejoice or fear for his life again. He looked around quickly and noticed the card was gone. That wasn't the only thing, ace wondered through to the main office the see the place was eerily empty. Ace saw a card hanging from the middle of the room. As he went over to inspected the card, this time it was a regular card, but it was a dirty and crumpled Jack of spades and on the face side it read
"Your Welcome"
In the same red writing that was on the others as if Ace had now owed a serial killer a favor. Ace turned around looking for more stuff, almost immediately started to scream, but managed to hold it in. The wall behind him in bright red colors, almost like the red on the cards read "The game is only beginning, and I am already winning!"

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