Chapter 4-Flame Swallower

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I wake up crying and hurting all throughout the night but I don't surrender to the pain. I'm not weak. It's weak. So when I get up I'm tired. Coffee, however, I find, is a great resource to fix that. Alanna tells me that it's probably not good for my spleen or bone marrow, as those are the infected area, but I scoff and say, "You've been drinking it since the dinosaurs were alive and you're fine. Ultra white teeth and all."

She scowls at me. "I've never seen a dinosaur outside of text books and television, which, believe it or not, they had when I was growing up. They even had computers by the time I was six or so. And I bleach," she taps her teeth.

"Oh. That's healthy," I scoff. We smile together at the fact that I'm laughing and joking. It seems I've had a real improvement. Or maybe somebody special made one for me.

"Can I ask where you were last night or would that be overstepping my auntly position?" She swirls her coffee with a spoon.

With a bit of an internal sigh, I say, "If you must know I was out with a boy."

She grins wickedly. "Nice time to choose to have a boyfriend."

"Well if I'm not going to make it much longer...and besides, I didn't talk to him first. He talked to me." I sound a little sassy which makes her smile more.

"Okay. What's his name?"


"That's a nice name. How old is he?"

"Third degree?" I cock an eyebrow. She grins and I say, "17. Eighteen in June."

"Is that him pulling up? The car isn't any of your friends'," she points lightly to the window from behind her coffee.

I smile, grab my bag and my coffee, and head for the door. I turn back and say with a wink, "Maybe you can meet him sometime."

"Yah. Maybe. By the way, your mom wants you to go home tonight. I can drive you there if you want. Or if you have other arrangements..." she smiles and waves me off. I skip out the door to and run right into Aiden. I hadn't realized he was approaching the house. His arms steady me and he laughs with me as he smiles down into my eyes.

"You're happy," he whispers and brushes the hair out of my face.

"Someone saved me from my drowning and now when I wake up I can actually breathe."

"Do I have the permission to take that breath away?" his hazel eyes are liquid.

"Depends," I breathe; my heart quickening.



"This way," and he lets his lips touch mine. It's just a little innocent kiss; nothing long and dirty. Even yet I still feel my lips catch on fire as my heart racquets into overdrive, and like he said my breath goes away.

When he pulls away and I can breathe enough to talk I whisper, "That works."

He laughs amusedly and rubs my upper arm and pulls me to the car saying, "Come on. We're going to be late."

I think I whisper, "Why bother," I as buckle my seat belt and he walks to driver's seat, but I don't remember exactly. I'm still a little dazed.

All during first period we text. I can't keep my eyes on the English teacher explaining how our papers sucked. My mind is in a narrow focus, concentrating solely on my sidekick screen. When I go to computer tech. instead of making a research paragraph on how to program your computer to do something I IM his phone. Charity gets annoyed and takes my cell from me in art. Apparent I had spent the whole morning texting my mystery man.

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