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Beware the one with the eight-point star.

            My grandmothers warning echoed in my mind. As if I could stay away from him. He was like Arcane Mist, clouding my thoughts, always lingering in the back of my mind. I had been trying to avoid him ever since I had plowed into him while running from the Clinks.

            Thinking back on my assault on him, I had not noticed anything particularly odd about the strikingly handsome boy, except that he was covered in soot and parts of his clothes were still lit. He had quickly extricated himself from the confusing tangle of our limbs and lithely spun me into an alley just before the Clinks rushed by.

            At the time, I had thought him a capable stranger who had obviously lived the streets for a while. I hadn’t even stopped to think if I had ever seen him before, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to heal the pain I saw behind those changeable blue eyes of his.

            He was like no other boy I had ever seen. He was tall, dark, and handsome to say the least, but there was more to him than that. The way his liquid eyes froze icy blue when he saw the Clinks running towards us; and how after he saved us both he was kind, even though I had knocked him off his feet. And judging by his singed clothes, I had guessed that his day had not gotten any better by running into me.

            After those mesmerizing eyes unfreeze, I had thought, I will make this handsome stranger forget about any problems or worries he had before.

            Until I saw the star.

            It had eight points and unfortunately was on his neck. Why his neck? I had thought. Why not on arrogant Tyler Hollis’s neck, the bartender’s son? I would have gladly avoided him for the rest of my life!

            I froze for a moment after I spotted the damned tattoo and then attempted to quickly sprint away from the god-like boy. I was about halfway down the alley when he stopped me.

            “Wait!” he called out.

            I knew I shouldn’t have stopped, but something about his voice brought my clumsy flee to a halt. His voice was smooth and soft, and sounded utterly confused.


I had been stumbling along the cobblestone roads avoiding the puddles of stinking waste that had been dumped out of windows when the fairy-like girl practically ran over me.  Sensing that she had a good reason to be flitting down the road, I managed to drag her into the mouth of an alley right when a bunch of large men lumbered by.

 Wondering whom the men were I looked down at the flushed girl wrapped in my arms. Her large deer like eyes gazed up at me revealing an eccentric hazel green color framed by long, thick eyelashes. Witch eyes.  She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen… which would be the first according to my completely blank mind.

            Suddenly, she roughly pushed me away and started speeding towards the exit of the alley, her long, brown, wavy hair flying out behind her.

            I knew she would not stop running, but called out to stop her anyways as I felt despair settling in the pit of my stomach. Much to my surprise, she stopped and warily turned around to look at me with those witchy green eyes. For a moment, I just stood there gazing at her when she let out an impatient cough and broke me out of my trance.

            “Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?”

            Startled, I mumbled, “Oh, um, well no.”

            “What is it then?” she pressed impatiently, looking towards the exit of the alley like she was planning to escape.

            “I was going to ask you your name, since I just saved you; but I can tell you are in a hurry to get away from me so…your welcome I guess." I said irately as I turned to leave the alley.

            Blushing, she stammered, “Wait, don’t leave; I’m sorry for being so rude. My name is Thalia Chriyer, with a Thay, and thank you.”

            Grinning to myself, I turned back around to find her peering up at me through those long eyelashes less than two inches from my face.

I blinked a few times to clear my head and before I blurted my name out I was hit with a feeling of paranoia and stammered, “My name is Al- I mean Bly Lev… Levins, Bly Levins.”

And then she was gone.

 A/N: So, that was the prologue. Dear God, my writer's insecurity is flaring up again, or well... Always. Is that a thing? Writer's insecurity?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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