14. The little white horse

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"Robin..." Maria whispered as she felt his hands at her shoulders, her voice rushed away with the bubbling stream and was lost to the shadows of the cavern.

"It seems to me, Princess," Robin began, "that we are both in need of a moment's rest. To collect our thoughts, perhaps."

She could feel Robin's hushed breath moving strands of her hair, his words woven together with her tresses as they fluttered around her neck and soothed her senses. His voice seemed to harmonise with the sounds of the cave, a deep bass attuned to the swell of the spring and the patter of droplets that fell from the stalactites above, lulling her to sleep. Without her cloak, the brush of Robin's leather jacket against her bare arms felt intensely intimate, each caress sending flashes of goosebumps across her skin.

She let her eyelids flutter shut, forgetting what it meant to be a proper young woman and indulged in the moment. Deep down beneath Moonacre, nobody was to know of their tantalisingly close proximity, the way she allowed her breath to stutter and her heart to race. The way she permitted his feathers to brush the skin of her neck as his hands moved to her waist, pulling her softly to face him until... his presence disappeared and the cold rush of stagnant air filled his place.

Maria's eyes flew open and she looked around the cave, bewilderment overcoming her as all traces of Robin were lost.

"Mind your step, Princess," a voice called out from below as a hand caught her ankle, stopping her movements as she stumbled backwards.

Robin was stretched out at her feet, one arm behind his head as he lay casually across her discarded cloak. She glared down at her companion, pulling her foot free from his grasp as his fingers started to move playfully up and beneath her petticoats.

"Robin, you... you oaf!" she cried, stalking away from him and settling down at the far side of the cave as he lost himself in a burst of laughter.

"I did say that I wanted to rest," Robin reminded her, crossing both arms behind his head languidly as he regained his composure.

"You could have easily said so without all of this... fuss!" Maria replied sharply as she turned her back to him, rubbing her arms against the cool cavern air. "And I would be grateful if you would return my cloak."

"If you want it, Princess, you must come and retrieve it yourself. I am quite comfortable here," he smirked, closing his eyes as if to take an afternoon nap.

Maria glowered through the shadows in his general direction, but with his lack of a response, she let out a huff and marched towards him. Robin did not even flinch, and as she reached his side, she resolved to tug her cloak from beneath his body and leave him to lie on the rocky floor.

However, as her fingers curled around the fabric and she steeled herself for a mighty tug, rough fingers clasped around her wrist and instead pulled her down to the floor and into the embrace of Robin de Noir.

She squealed as his arms, strong from years of labour in the forest, closed around her tightly. He pressed her small body into the broad expanse of his chest and secured her closer with each twist she made to escape.

"Robin! I absolutely cannot stand for this!" she attempted to say menacingly, although some of the force was lost in her frantic attempt to steady her frenzied heart.

"Well, perhaps I cannot stand for the Moon Princess to rest in cold solitude deep below the earth."

"Do not tease me, Robin," Maria growled, hearing the smirk that had undoubtedly settled upon his lips lace his words.

"I would never, Princess!" he feigned a shocked gasp. "However, we all know the stories of these caves, and by keeping you close, I simply mean to protect you from whatever dangers lurk within these shadows."

At his words, she could feel his fingers tighten around her sides as if to spook her with his fables.

"Or perchance, I simply wish to keep you by my side for my own... personal reasons..." Robin let his suggestive remark linger between them, trying to stifle his laughter at the sound of Maria stumble for a response. "Just imagine me to be Wrolf. You can rest easy at the thought of such a brave beast here to keep you safe."

"Do not be so quick to liken yourself to Wrolf," Maria huffed. "Even he is trained better than you, Bird Boy. I'm sure it would be warmer with him down here as well."

There was a brief pause as her words settled into the still air of the cavern, and then she felt the soft touch of leather envelop her torso. Robin shifted his hands clumsily, pulling at the lining of his jacket until the material covered Maria's upper body completely.

"Then, I hope this will make do," he said, all trace of laughter gone as his voice took on a sincerity rarely expressed.

Despite the frigid temperature of the underground cave, Maria was sure that the burning blush of her cheeks would be enough to warm the entire tunnelling system. Giving in to Robin's firm embrace, she allowed herself to settle closely into his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall against her back as he relaxed upon the stone. Deciding she would let Robin have his way, Maria saved her displeasure for when he would wake up and stand a chance against her wrath.

"I won't forget this, Bird Boy," she muttered as his feathers caught in her hair and tickled the base of her neck.

"Indeed, Princess, nor will I, I am sure. In fact, I shall make a special effort to remind you by whatever means possible if I suspect you are ever in danger of forgetting."

Robin let his eyes slip shut as he surreptitiously buried his face closer into Maria's hair, breathing in the scent of his princess as he finally let sleep take hold of his mind. Despite the chilling rock and stale air, Robin was certain that he was about to have one of the best moments of sleep he had had in a long time. With Maria in his arms and her soft breathing playing him a lullaby, he slipped into the figments of a dream.

Maria felt his body soften and his hold around her loosen. Careful not to disturb him, she repositioned her arms and rested on her back, staring up at the ceiling as Robin's sighs caressed her cheek.

The gemstones flickered subtly around them, casting a starry night's sky above the pair. Maria's eyes drifted across their swirling patterns, getting lost in a lustrous sea of bright pearl and opal. Each drop of water that tumbled from the stalactites above seemed to mark the steady ticking of the clock counting down to Moonacre's demise. Yet, Maria felt strangely calm down below the earth, as if nothing could touch her or Robin in their own small hollow of tranquillity.

Gazing up and between the iridescent rocks hanging above them, Maria could just make out the glinting of a compact cluster of jewels drawn out directly above her head. Squinting her eyes against the darkness, she picked out the constellation Equuleus, etched deep into the stone but shining determinedly through the shadows. Maria smiled and gave silent thanks to Moonacre for guiding their way. Letting her own eyes drift shut, she snuggled in closer to Robin and let her thoughts turn to peace.

Beneath the layers of rock and sediment, the pair rested in one another's arms, watched over by the little white horse that glowed serenely above them.


A/N  Good afternoon readers! I'm sorry this chapter is a little late, I've was visiting some friends over the weekend and have only just got back. Hopefully, the chapter being 100% fluff has made up for the delay ;) 

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