Chapter 4

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Rachel's POV

The old lady motioned toward a nearby cottage that looked so warm I just wanted to run toward the house.

"With what you're wearing I don't see why you don't get frostbite. You must be new here. Here, follow me." She said. without thinking I followed her into the warm cozy house. As she opened the door you could hear a loud creaking sound and feel nothing but a burst of warmth that I have never felt for a while. Though it wasn't like Florida, it was the best warmth I had since it started snowing.

"Let's start with some food. You look starved." She said. I nodded eagerly, starved from that run I had just had. I sat at the wooden table as she brought up a warm looking chilly. I don't really eat a lot of chilly in Florida but I was willing to try this for warmth. Just as I hoped the chilly warmed me even more. It didn't take long to notice that there was no more left.

"Hungry, are you? Deary, what is your name?"

"Rachel." I replied.

"Well Rachel, you must be from the realm of fire judging by your appearances." I gave her a confused look then quickly I understood. I wasn't in Earth anymore. I was in the Realm of the Snow Queen searching for Harvey."

"No I am from Earth." I corrected.

"Oh, Earth! The green realm! Why haven't I thought of that?" She said in shock. " Why, I guess you don't know the Snow Realm very well, you are underdressed."

"Yeah I figured that out."

"Here let me get you something." She said grabbing some clothes out of a nearby packet. "What brings you here?" She is now handing me articles as clothing that reminding me as Anna's outfit from Frozen.

"Well I am searching for a friend. He was taken by the Snow Queen."

" Oh a boy. Are you guys to marry because I know the best place...."

"No." I cut her off. "We are just friends." Thinking of Harvey brought memories that brought tears to me. I miss Harvey. I really do.

"Well you have no chance if he was taken by the Snow Queen. He would be frozen to death in just three kisses."

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"Girl, you haven't been in this realm long enough have you." She said. " When the Snow Queen blows kisses at people things happen to them. On the first kiss they would be numbed from the cold, which is fine because we need it around here, but the other kisses aren't too nice. The second kiss would freeze the person solid. The third would kill them."


"You have the word and have 30 seconds to get rid of it." Said a squeaky voice. I turned around to see nothing but a potted plant behind me.

"Oh that Mouschi one of my magical plants I got from the tropics on the green planet Earth."

"Talking plants on Earth!"

"How old are you?!" She questioned. "Anyway, we are getting off track. Your friend, Harold is probably dead at this point."

"Harvey." I corrected.

"You could always stay with me, though. I am lonely except for my plants." She motion to a whole wall filled with plants.

It was tempting to stay here. This is the only place I have found peace and warmth. The other option of saving Harvey could be hopeless and cause death to myself also. Who am I kidding! Is this even a choice!

"I am terribly sorry but I have to save my friend. Friends come before myself. That was a generous offer though." I said.

"To bad." She moaned. "Good luck finding Harold from the Snow Queen."

Without even correcting I have started for the door. This new outfit should keep me warmer longer and I have already ate so I am ready to start. Then the door slammed in my face.

I turned around to to see the old woman smiling wickedly. "Do you think that I would let you go that easily?" I turned back and frantically tried to open the door to see that it was magically sealed. "You will joined my garden."

Before I knew it a beam of green light rushing toward me. Thankfully I dodged in time as the beam hit the table turning it a daisy.

"You witch!"

"Watch what you say!" She aimed again but I took off to the nearby window. Jumping right through it avoiding the many cuts by the glass. I took off running and didn't look back.

"You will die from the cold my deary!" I heard her faintly scream. "If not the Snow Queen will surely kill you!"

I ran to scared to stop or to even look back. What is wrong with this world!

Harvey's POV

I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled as Crystal entered with a wet rag.

"I am just here to clean your face." She came up and put the rag specifically on my left eye. I felt the water absorb in and a tear fell from my eye. The world started to spin as Crystal helped me to my bed. Light shined and my eyes opened with relief.

"Go to the window." She demanded. I did as told seeing a beautiful surrounding and a bright happy sky. "What do you see?"

"Wow Crystal? Did you make all this? I just love the way the sunset reflects off the frozen pond. When did to learn all this? Maybe Siri will know?"

She giggled at my response. I smiled. It felt weird though, like it was the first smile I had all day.

Crystal's POV

I did it! I fixed Harvey! But how to be sure? Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Harvey?" Coldbert asked nervously.

"Sure come in." Harvey said welcomely. Coldbert smiled. Then Coldbert and I knew Harvey was fixed.

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