Chapter 9: I'm going to tell him

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Recalling Eren's actions a few days ago forces me to smile uncontrollably. My sapphire blue eyes rapidly fill with joyful tears. Eren's actions could mean something, maybe he...loves me! The chance his feelings towards me are anything more than mere love between friends is slim. Nevertheless, there still is a chance that I could be with the man of my dreams. To run my fingers through his black hair, to whisper I love you in his ear, to see his eyes light up like the night sky after I speak those words to him is something I can only imagine. But for those dreams to become reality, would cause my bijou body to explode with happiness. I must confesses my feeling now before it's too late and I never build the courage to say it again.

Without hesitation I emerge from my room to find Eren (no to find my future). I need him. He is my oxygen without him there I cannot breath. I need him by my side, this is why I must tell him my feelings. If he loves me to I wouldn't be able to contain myself I would fill with light and joy. However, if you turned me away Eren I wouldn't know how to survive without you nonetheless I would have to move on. I would have to move on from this cruel world because I couldn't sit there and watch you every day knowing you could never be mine.

I search for what seems like hours however Eren is nowhere to be seen. Turning a corner I collide with Jean. Apologising I ask if he had even the smallest indication where Eren is. He knew exactly where he was and I sprint away to speak to him. I hear Jean attempt to add to his answer but his voice trails off as I increase my distance away from him. I keep running as Eren is on the other side of the building. He is in an area no one EVER goes. Not even captain Levi. Is this to do with what Jean was going to tell me? Maybe I shouldn't tell him he is in that wing for a reason. But, I can't let this discourage me. Almost there one more corner. I turn around the bend...but I instantly retreat back as I saw something soul crushing.

Eren was with Mikasa, their lips intertwined. Eren turns as he hears a noise.

How could I be so stupid to think we had a chance!? I rapidly run to my room to hide my shame. I slam the door and just slide down to the floor tears flowing down my face like a water full. Salty bitter tears running down my face a feeling I know all too well. Why did I even think I had a chance with someone like him when well just look at me! She just walked straight past me and straight to him I never stood a chance!

Wait Jean knew I was going to see him. Eren knew someone saw them. He is going to find out that I was there!

I swear; Eren x Armin f.f (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now