name calling

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I finished my breakfast and headed to work in the strawberry fields. I put on my gloves and started pulling weeds. It's what I do to think. I saw Travis and some other pranksters from the Hermes cabin run by, eyeing the new kid and laughing.

"Traaaaavis!" I called. He stopped, told his half siblings to excuse him, grinned and skipped over. "Yes Katie Ka" "dont call me that. What are you doing to Emily?" (the new kid, daughter of Iris.) "just having fun.." he muttered. "NO pranks on new comers, you hear me?" I scolded. "fine," he mumbled. As he walked away, I heard his half siblings, "hahaha you're controlled by a girl!" "you're sooo lame Travis!" and other rude things like that. His eyes showed hurt, and embarrassment. I had the feeling it was my fault.

I walked over to them. "hey look, it's Lamo's friend, Useless!!" One of the Hermes kids said.

Memories flashed through my head. Useless echoed through my brain. Painful ones. Dark ones. That pushed my buttons.

They laughed and tried to run away. But I held out my hands and roots formed around their legs, holding them in place. Travis looked up at me with hope.

"Listen to me you little Hermes idiots, NOBODY calls my friends names and gets away with it, even if it's someone I tend to hate. Travis may be rude and annoying, but he is NOT lame. so why don't you shut the hades up and be nice," I said, then let them go. They ran away frightened.

Travis had a huge grin spread across his face. "Thanks Katie Kat! That was awesome! Although... rude and annoying?"

"don't call me Katie Kat."

"OK, Katie Kat."

"You're impossible."

"You love me."

"I hate you."

Travis smiled, "Anyway, thanks for defending me. How about no pranks for... 2, no, I'll be generous, 3 days?"

I raised my eyebrow and smirked, "wow, 3 days? You're a giver."

"What can I say? I'm nice like that. Not rude."

"No, just annoying," I replied.

He chuckled. "So whatcha up to now, Katie Kat?"

I turned to the strawberry fields. "I got a lot of weeding to do, so if you'll be on your way, that would be great."  He looked at the strawberry fields. "Nah," he said. "Nah? I have a lot of work to do and it's just getting hotter," I replied, agitated.

"oh would you like me to leave?"   
"Idiot. anyway, you've distracted me long enough," I said and started pulling weeds again.

Travis walked into the row of strawberries I was pulling in and put his hands behind his head and layed on the ground, looking at the clouds. "You don't have any help? Not even company?" he asked.

"Everyone is busy today," I sighed. "Don't you get lonely?" he pushed. "Yeah. I guess I do. Not that you know what that's like. You have your twin, and a bunch of other Hermes kids. Demeter doesn't have that many half bloods."

"Not true. About me never being lonely, I mean. Conner is with your sister a lot, and even though many kids admire my awesomeness, some deny it. Well Katie Kat, how about I keep you company today."

"Uggggggh. Fine. But this doesn't mean I'll stop hating you. You still dyed my hair blue, and put baby powder in my hair dryer... the list goes on."

Then we talked as I pulled weeds. I hate to say it, but I enjoyed it.

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