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I stand staring in the mirror. Tears roll down my face as they leave red mark. The marks sting making me cry harder. My nose runs unableing me to breath. My brothers shouts come from the next room but i can't make myself walk in. If i walk in i can say sorry, maybe i can stop crying but maybe i won't. I feel as if i have held my tears back long enough. I may be told im over reacting but if i go into that room, i will then go down those stairs and i will cry again and i don't know if i will ever stop! You may say why the tear or your over reacting. Im not crying because he got hurt and it was my fault, im crying because my dad looked at me in disgust as he bent down to pick him up. He thinks i ment to hurt him but i swear i didn't!

I walked in to the room gave him a kiss and said sorry. I dont know why i said sorry i didnt mean for this to happen. I stumbled out and i felt no different, to be honest i felt worse. He calls from the next room "have you been crying?", i shout back "no" he asks again. The tears begin to roll down my face again covering the tears that were once there before. "Dad said you were crying" i whimper "no" as nothing else can come out of my mouth. That was the final thing he said as the tears burst out of my eyes like a waterfall. Everyone knows im crying but they stay silent, not breathing a word to me.

I can still hear the mumbles downstairs but no footsteps aproach. I cant take it, i slam my hand on my desk and lay head first on the bed. Hopefully everyone forgets
the day before even though i never will....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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