Chapter One

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Kellins POV:

I woke up on the floor with burnt lungs and blood shot eyes. I winced as my eyes adjusted to the light. As I stood up to shut my curtains a headache blasted through my head and I felt a familiar weakness in my knees. I guess I should be used to hangovers by now. I stumbled forward, shut the curtains and quickly searched around for my phone. I found it next to where I had been passed out. I put my pipe on my bedside table and put the Oxycontin bottle in my pocket. I slipped into a hoodie and some black skinny jeans and quickly left my room.

Getting down the stairs was no easy task especially for my hungover and still half drunken self. However, I somehow managed to get down without falling on my ass. I crept past my dad who was passed out on the couch and went for the kitchen. The kitchen was my second favorite part of my house (my room being the first). Most people would say it's because I'm a growing sixteen year old boy, but I like the kitchen because I almost always have the munchies, also because my Dad is almost never in there. I grabbed a pop-tart and swiftly left for school.


I cringed as I entered my school. All of the noise and bright light had my head swimming. I quickly looked around and popped a couple Oxycontin and felt a familiar haziness come over me. To hide the dark circles under my eyes I fished some sunglasses out of my back pack and put them on, it probably looked stupid but I didn't care. I felt like shit. Suddenly there was an arm roughly slung over my neck and I looked up to see my friend Alex.

"Hey buddy! Lookin a little hungover, did you have a nice night?" He said a little to loudly.

"Fuck Alex, don't talk so loud." I grumbled.

"Sorry breh, just wanted to give you a heads up that Stephanie's looking for you." Alex said in a know it all tone.

" Yeah uh thanks, I'll talk to her later," I sighed. " Now please leave me to my suffering."

"Okay, okay, I read you loud and clear. Later dude!" He replied as he removed his arm from my shoulder and walked off.

Shit, I completely forgot about Stephanie. Whatever, I'll deal with her later. Right now I just need to get to class. Most people would use class as a way to learn and further their education and blah blah blah. However, I personally use class to catch some sleep or draw in my notebook. I sighed and walked off to science class. Today is going to be terrible, I can feel it.

I Breathe You In With SmokeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora