Chapter 2

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I spent the day taking naps or zoning out during class in my Oxycontin haze. I only got up to switch classes and before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

The blaring cafeteria did not help my still lingering headache so i reached into my pocket and took some more Oxy. I put some in a couple of quarters and rattled the vending machine so it would release my sour gummy worms. I grabbed my prize and went towards the stairs.

I made my way to sit over with my friends who were all sitting on the steps. Nobody else really sits there because apparently that's where all the "stoner kids" hangout. I don't really care though, they're really the only friends I have.  We all hangout and sometimes they get me drugs. I saw Jaime, Oliver, Taylor, and some kid I did't recognize.

I sat down and nudged Tay. "Who's that?" I murmured as I pointed at the mystery kid.

"Mmm? Oh that's Mike Fuentes. He's new." She said with a mouthful of cafeteria spaghetti. 

From what I gathered, Mike had just moved here a week ago and a mysterious brother. Now that I had gotten a closer look at Mike I saw he had dark hair and was kinda tall. I sat and chatted with Tay for awhile and before I knew it the bell rang and lunch was over.

Not even two minutes after I sat down at my desk, the intercome came on And a nasally voice announced "Kellin Quinn to the administration office please."

I didn't even wait for the teacher to give me permission. I just sighed and walked out. Fucking Stephanie.

Stephanie was one of the school administrators. She found some drugs I had stashed in my pocket a few weeks ago but kept me from getting expelled. She vouched for me in front of the school board so I wouldn't get kicked out of school. They let me stay on the condition that I turn myself around, so now Stephanie is hell bent on putting me on the right path. A gay drug addled teenager on the right path. Fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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