Chapter 1

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Eleanor Lovett was busy preparing for dinner. Dinner for three though Sweeney never came down from his parlor. She hated this. She wanted to spend more time with him but he was so focused on killing the judge and not focused on her. She loved that barber with all her heart and it pained her greatly knowing that he didn't notice her love and affection. At all.

"Mum?" A small voice called. "In 'ere, love." Nellie replied. "Where's Mr. Todd?" Asked Toby. Nellie felt pain hit her heart like a sharp knife stabbing into it. "He's in 'is parlor dear." Nellie answered. "Good." Said Toby with a satisfying smile growing across his lips. "Why you smilin' lad?" Nellie asked. "I don't want him hurtin' you mum." Toby answered. "Oh, he won't hurt me dear." Said Nellie. That was a lie. Toby knew better. He had hit her in the past, and he was close to slitting the baker's throat about a week ago. "Yes, mum he would! He kills innocent I can tell!" Toby exclaimed in horror. Nellie felt pain hit her again. "Toby, if you don't stop you'll be headin' for a beatin'. Now if your wise you'll shut up." Nellie said in a firm voice. It pained her even more to say that to Toby. "Yes, mum. Um... Would you like it if I took up your dinner plate?" Toby asked. "Y-yes, my dear, very much." Nellie said smiling sweetly at him whilst giving him a kiss on the cheek. Toby smiled wide and took up Nellie's dinner plate and washed the dishes.

Nellie snuck up a plate to Sweeney. Toby hated it when she went up there. He had thoughts on Mr. Todd and kept his eye on him. He was on to that man. There was something wrong and he was gonna find out. "Dinner is served, love." Nellie said smiling sweetly. Sweeney nodded and practical shooed her. Nellie could feel tears coming from her eyes. Sweeney turned around looking sympathetic for her. He could figure out why. Why did he care? She was just a person. She's not important. Is she? Forget it.

Nellie went into her room and hugged her knees. "Mum?" A voice said. "Come in dear." Nellie said. "Did Mr. Todd do something?!" Toby asked in panic. "Shhh, hush my darlin' hush." Nellie said whispering softly into his hair kissing his head whilst pulling him into an embrace.

"Mum, are you alright?" Toby asked in concern. "Yes, love, I'm fine." Nellie answered. "Promise?" Toby asked. "I promise, Nellie lied.

Toby leaned his head on her warm body. Nelly kissed his head. "I love you Toby." Nellie said. "I love you more mum." Toby replied pulling her heart strings very hard. Nellie could only embrace Toby tighter and softly cry tears of joy into his hair. "Oh mum, please don't cry." Said Toby stroking her knuckles. "I, must go check on Mista T." Nellie said. Toby sighed. "Don't worry, love, I'll be back." Nellie said smiling sweetly at him. Toby could only return the smile. Nellie went up to Sweeney's parlor. "Mista T, you alright, love?" Nellie asked. "Yes." He said. Nellie smiled. Sweeney felt guilty for not caring for her more. Did he feel he should have? That was it. He knew. He loved her with all his heart.

"Nellie, will you stay with me tonight?" Sweeney asked. Nellie smiled wide. "Of course dear." Nellie answered.

Sweeney motioned for her to come lay in his bed. Nellie of course laid in his bed. There wasn't much talking going on. Eventually Nellie got bored and fell asleep. Sweeney saw her sleeping with a smile across her lips. He smiled to himself and carried her down to her room. Thankful Toby was asleep he rolled him over and laid Nellie on her side of the bed. He tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep well Nell." Sweeney whispered.


Blinking her eyes open and letting her eyes adjust to the sunlight Nellie turned over to the other side of the bed to find Toby had fallen asleep. She smiled and kissed him on the forehead. Walking into her pie shop shocked to see Sweeney made her jump a little. "Wot are ya doin' up so early, love?" Nellie asked. "I got tired of being up their alone." Sweeney answered. "Wot made ya change your mind?" Nellie asked. Sweeney felt nerve hit him hard like somebody kicked him in the gut. How was he supposed to answer? He didn't know how to say that he loved her. "Love?" Nellie asked nodding for him to answer. "Isolation is killing me." Sweeney answered. "Sweeney, you know I love you." Nellie said. "You tell me every day." Sweeney replied rolling his eyes. "Wait, breakfast!" Nellie called. "I'm not hungry." Sweeney replied. Nellie hated that attitude of his. She hated being ignored and neglected. But she took a deep breath and shook it always.

"Toby!" Nellie called. "Yes, mum?" Toby answered. "Please go wipe down the tables before I start to open." Nellie said. Toby nodded and went to wipe down the tables. When Toby was done Nellie opened shop. The first customer to come in was a man. Nellie felt like she's seen him before, she just didn't know when or where.

"Sir, can I get ya anything?" Nellie asked. The man walked closer to her which made Nellie's heart start to beat a little faster causing her to step back. The man had a knife in his hand. He revealed himself.

It was the vulture himself, Jude Turpin. "Hello Eleanor." Turpin said. "W-wot are you doing here?" Nellie asked. "I want something. I'm rather, extra hungry." Turpin answered. "Wot do ya mean by that?" Nellie asked gulping nervously. Turpin came closer to Nellie pinning her to the wall with the knife at her throat. "If you scream you'll die." Turpin said in a firm voice. Nellie gulped as Turpin started kissing her hard on the lips.

"Mum! I finished- GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!" Toby demanded. "Stay out of this boy." Turpin said sharply. This made Toby even more mad. Toby was so scared for his mum which caused him to do the unthinkable. He bolted up to Mr. Todd's parlor.

"Mr. Todd! Come down please!! I think Turpin's hurting mum!!" Toby shouted in horror. Sweeney's eyes widened and rushed down to the scene. "Let her go... Now." Sweeney said in a low toned voice causing Turpin to turn around. Sweeney's eyes were so full of anger and warning but Turpin didn't care. Even though Sweeney had a razor ready to slit the vulture's throat.

Nellie kept on whimpering and started to cry which made Turpin laugh and slap her face. Sweeney had it. He walked over to Turpin and slit the man's throat causing Nellie fall to the floor. Sweeney dragged Turpin into the bakehouse and threw his body in the oven.

Oh how he enjoyed watching this vulture burn. He wanted him dead for so long and now it's finally happening. As the body turned to ash Sweeney remembered Nellie. He was so excited about the judge being killed he forgot he had left her up their. He ran back up into the pie shop to find Toby comforting her. "Toby, I'd like to see her please." Sweeney said as softly as he could muster. Toby was hesitant at first but he let him see her. "Nellie, are you alright?" Sweeney asked. Nellie didn't answer. It was just muffled cries. Sweeney lifted up her chin to look at him. He saw the tears streaming down her beautiful face. "I don't know." Nellie answered crying into his chest. "Shhh, it's ok, it ok, just please try and relax." Sweeney said into her soft aburn hair. Nellie was shaking from trauma. She couldn't help it. She was scared. "Shhh, it's alright I'm here." Sweeney continued to whisper whilst rubbing circles around her back. Nellie cried herself to sleep and Sweeney carried her to her room. He laid her down on her bed and kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep well." He whispered.

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