Chapter 6

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                        The next morning Sweeney woke up to an empty bed. He smiled knowing Nellie was up. He went out into the kitchen and saw Nellie changed into her favorite black dress out of her nighty. "Mornin' love." Nellie said with joy. "Good morning, how's your shoulder?" Sweeney asked. "Better than last night." Nellie answered. Sweeney came over and put her hands in his. "I'm glad." Sweeney said kissing Nellie passionately on the lips. "Why don't we all go for a picnic today!" Nellie exclaimed with joy. Sweeney sighed. "Alright." Sweeney said. "Oh hush! You'll learn to enjoy leavin' this ghastly place! Fresh air will do ya good." Nellie said kissing Sweeney on the cheek. "A picnic?" Johanna asked. Nellie could only smile sweetly at Johanna. "Yes, love, I want to take everyone on a picnic today." Nellie said smiling. Johanna smiled nervously and shook a little. "Wot's that matter, love?" Nellie asked. "Turpin abused me, and.....people make me nervous. I really hate to be one to judge...." "T'is alright, I understand." Nellie said embracing Johanna. Those words tore Sweeney's heart out. He hater Turpin abusing Johanna. His Johanna in such a manner. Man Sweeney hated the man. He was revolting to him. He messed up his family. He's made Johanna scared of people. "Nell, my love, may I have a minute?" Sweeney asked. Nellie knew why he needed that minute. "Of course my love." Nellie said kissing Sweeney on the cheek.

Sweeney went up to his parlor and exploded. Turpin may be dead and all that agony he's had was away but after how he heard Turpin treated his little girl, he just needed to break that cracked mirror more. He had a big tantrum but he was very careful not to mess up his 'friends'.

Sweeney's anger turned to sadness. He started crying which was unusual for him because he never cried. Ever. But when it came to his family and the ones he loved, he could cry for weeks. Though Sweeney never knew he had a soft side, he seems ok with it. Nellie bought out that side of him, and for that he was grateful.

"Love?" A voice whispered. Sweeney turned to see Nellie peeking her head through the door being careful not to disturb him. "Come in Nell." Sweeney said. "Are you feeling better my love?" Nellie asked. "Yes, but more now that your here." Sweeney answered. Nellie smiled sweetly at him and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"Are you ready to go?" Nellie asked with a wide smile and eyes dying for an answer. "Yes." Sweeney answered. Nellie smiled. "Let's go!" Nellie beamed with joy. "Careful, remember?" Sweeney asked kissing her cheek. "Of course." Nellie answered kissing Sweeney on the lips.

Nellie and Johanna packed the baskets and everyone headed out for the picnic. Toby saw Nellie wasn't looking and reached for the food. Luckily Nellie caught him. "Toby!" Nellie shouted playfully which made Toby laugh. "Tobias Lovett it's not funny!" Nellie exclaimed trying to sound serious, which made everyone laugh. "I'm being serious!" Nellie exclaimed. "No your not." Johanna said laughing into her hand. Nellie rolled her eyes and started to attack Toby with tickles. "Mum, please i won't go after the food! Stop!" Toby said while laughing at the top of his lungs.

"Promise?!" Nellie exclaimed laughing. "Yes! Just please no more tickling!" Toby exclaimed laughing even harder. "Haha! Alright." Nellie said smiling.

Toby was busy catching his breath from all the tickles. Once he did he could speak. "Your not funny mum." Toby said smirking. "Yes I am." Said Nellie pinching Toby's cheeks.

Nellie had set up the blanket under the tree where she Sweeney and Toby had their picnic a few days back. Nellie was smiling dreamily and has her head resting up against the tree. Sweeney smirked. He knew perfectly well what she was thinking about. "What are you thinking about Nell?" Sweeney asked. "About living by the sea. The weather will be so beautiful." Nellie answered. "I didn't have to ask did I?" Sweeney asked smirking. Nellie chuckled. "No." Nellie said with joy smiling. Sweeney rolled his eyes playfully. "I love you Nell." Sweeney said. "I love you more Mista, T." Nellie said kissing Sweeney on the cheek and leaning her head on his shoulder. Sweeney couldn't help but smile down at her sweetly. Johanna smiled sweetly at the pair of them. "What's the matter Johanna?" Anthony asked. "I wish I had my mother and father." Johanna. Answered. "Don't worry my love, you have me." Said Anthony putting his hand under Johanna's chin to make her look at him and kissed her passionately on the lips. Sweeney couldn't help but smile at the pair of them. He trusted Anthony completely and knew he would take good care of his little dove.

Sweeney knew he would have to tell her about her past sometime. Or did he? Did he really have to? Was it mandatory. He didn't know.

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