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(Based off of clothes shopping at the soup store)

*monster attacking in the background*
Captain America is on the phone
Captain America (Steve): hey could you come over?
Iron man (tony): *in a store* I can't I'm buying clothes
*thor smacking monster on the head*
Steve: well hurry up then!
Tony: *looking around* I can't find them
Steve: what do you mean you can't find them?
Tony: I mean I can't find them. There's only soup.
*monster trying to eat hulk*
Steve: well then go into the next aisle!
Tony: okay okay! No need to shout at me!
*walks to the next aisle*
There's more soup
*monster eats hulk*
Steve: what do you mean there's more soup?
Tony: I'm saying there's more soup
*hulk bursts out of monster's mouth*
Steve: so go to the next aisle!
Tony: *goes to the next aisle* still soup
Steve: where are you!?
Tony: I'm at soup!
*black widow and hawkeye trying to shoot the monster*
Steve: what do you mean you're at soup!?
Tony: I mean I'm at soup!
*thor riding on hulk's back*
Steve: what store are you in!?
Tony: I'm at the soup store!
*hulk jumps on monster's head and Thor pounds the monster's eyes with his hammer*
Steve: why are you buying clothes at the soup store!?
Black widow (Natasha): where is iron man!?
Steve: *covers the phone* he's at the soup store
Natasha: WHY???
Steve: he's buying clothes
Natasha: why is he buying clothes at the SOUP STORE??
Steve: I know!
Thor: where is the man of iron?
Hawkeye (Clint): where is iron man?
Steve: at the soup store buying clothes
Hulk, Thor, and Clint: WHY!?
Steve and Natasha: we know!

Monster: Wait, where is that iron guy?

Steve: at the soup store buying clothes

Monster: why is he buying clothes at the soup store!?

All: WE KNOW!!!



*City destroyed*

*Avengers are eating soup*

*So is the monster*

*Fury comes*

Fury: Uh... how did it go?

Clint: *nom* good


Fury: Uh... What about the monster?

Tony: *points to the monster* oh this guy?

Steve: it's okay. Bob's cool.

Fury: BOB??

Thor: That is the beast's name

Fury: okay...

Natasha: want soup?


*Fury is eating soup*

*There is one soup can that disappears*

*Loki is in the background eating the missing soup can*

Fury: this is good soup

Steve: Tony? did you end up buying clothes in California?

Tony: Naw I saw nothing I liked

Monster: This soup tastes kind of bland

Tony: I'll go to Miami to get noodles! *flies off*

Thor: hey who stole the can of soup that belonged to I?

Loki: Hello brother

Thor: Loki!! *grabs his hammer* I shall end you!!!

Loki: *girly scream*

*Thor chases after Loki*

Natasha: everything worked out okay I guess


Clint: we know it's soup


Thor: *comes back holding soup can* I have reclaimed my soup!

Fury: Where's Loki?

Thor: ........................ You do not want to know

Steve: Why?

Thor: Trust me. You don't.

Steve: ................................................................................. Okay then!

Natasha: What about the other avengers?

Steve: I already sent some to falcon, vision (even though he technically can't eat soup but who cares), war machine, scarlet witch, and quicksilver

Fury: I thought he dies

Steve: He did. I sent dead soup to Quicksilver in the afterlife

Clint: is that even possible?

Steve: with soup, anything is possible


Well that's the first part of this book! hope you guys enjoyed it.

This is literally what runs through my brain


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