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Count: 424 slight not-really-spoilers for Jurassic World.

Delta knew he was a bad man. She could smell it on him, a threatening malevolent scent under the stronger smells of sweat, metal and other humans as he lay on his back, babbling in Alphas sounds but much more desperately and not in the authoritative manner Delta understood.
She understood certain words that her Alpha had taught she and her sisters since birth, "back up", "no", "down girl," and screaming meant she had done something wrong and should yield to her leaders command. There were other words now that the plump Bad Man was babbling too, that she understood. "Please don't eat me! No no! Good boy, good boy. Easy..." She understood many of those words. But the message she got was far from what the Bad Man intended.

She stood over him, teeth bared and eyes wide, focused like two steely gold lakes, the room going silent for a second except for Bad Mans stuttering tumult of words. She knew, sensed, he was very very bad. He was somehow, though it was tricky to connect in the creatures mind, by some extent the reason Charlie was dead. Her sister...
Deltas greenish grey tail whisked slowly side to side as she analyzed the Bad Man, who met her wide focused yellow eyes with his watery pink ones. Those stupidity-filled pink-rimmed moist eyes reminded her of one thing, the word Alpha used was "eat," for the small furry white animals with long tails. Delta's heartbeat quickened in those slow seconds.
The Man slowly reached out a warm fleshy hand towards the Raptors snout, mumbling human sounds. One of the distinct ones Delta picked up once again, "don't eat me, we're on the same team. Easy, boy. Nice boy."
"Eat," was the only one she understood.

So when he reached that hot fleshy hand towards her, she knew he was not pack. He was not Alpha either. That left only one other category.

Yes, that hand taste every good, even better than the furry Eats, when she sank her backward facing teeth into it. Eat pulled his hand out of her mouth with a horrified, intoxicating scream.
It tasted warm and juicy, with lots of fat and extra deliciousness still fresh on the Raptors tongue. She wanted more, so she let out a shriek and jumped forward joyfully with her kill claws raised for the plump Eat.

It made killing so much more fun for the child-minded creature when your enemy not only was helpless, but that they tasted good too.

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