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I grew up thinking that I was someone else than who I really was I didn't know that when I found out the truth about my Heritage there's a lot more to it than I needed to know but in a good way I'm glad I did and I'm thankful for my adoptive parents because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been safe it's a long story and why I had to be adopted and everything but join me as I tell you how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself you know me as Isabella swan but my real name is Isabella but follow along and find out what my last name is because you're not going to believe this I'm a member of Jacob's pack and these days to see how the story goes oh and by the way one of the boys is my actual brother anyway it all started after Edward left me

It was a few years ago I remember it like it was yesterday I'm just so you know he never returned I was devastated about that the other Cullen's though it did come back and believe or not believe it or not they were always trusted by the pack it was just him there was something about him that they couldn't put their finger on and now we know why but follow along and you'll find out

It was back in 2013 that this all began that I found out the truth about my heritage

I still can't get over the fact that I Edward had left me I was always wondering why it was a good thing that Jacob was always there to be my personal Sun when I needed somebody to be there for me he was always my best friend growing up I've always hung around the reservation and that growing up as well and I was wondering why it felt like more as a home to me than anywhere else in the world there was a reason for that and I was going to find out soon from my father Charlie is My adoptive father but he's playing but I didn't know it at the time

I came home from school one day and I was 18 years old it was shortly after my birthday after our left me my daughter father told my mother that he thought it was time to let me know the truth about my heritage she was a bit iffy that's why she left with me she never really wanted me to know but he said it's not right I have to know because it could happen that one of these days that I'll end up in some type of Supernatural world my mother don't know nothing about the supernatural but he does he never said that to her though but he knew I had a right to know

Charlie hey Bella can I have a talk with you please

Bella sure dad what that you need to talk to me about

Charlie well your mother never really wanted you to know this but you have been adopted and the reason why was to keep you safe to tell you the truth I know all about the Wolfpack and everything and everything about their Heritage and stuff like that let's just say that when you were born you were born to a werewolf shapeshifter and his wife the only thing is you are in danger of being hunted by vampires and they thought it was best to put you with the Human family they came to me and told me the truth and everything I kept that part of secret from her name sorry that I've never told you anything all these years but it was to protect you but I've got a feeling that one of these days you are going to praise so it's time for you to know the truth and don't look at me as if I'd like you all my life about loving you as my daughter if I didn't I did it's just I had to do what was right to keep you safe and help damn that sides they were pretty young to be parents at the time

Bella well thank you for taking me in the top of me and raising me than if they were coming out and it was to protect me and everything I understand that but what is this and who is my real father and mother then because I have a right to know my real heritage and if Renee didn't know about the supernatural world or anything you must have just told her that we were adopting me because of the fact that they were to hand my right

Charlie yes I'm telling you that because she didn't understand anything of this but the reason why I know so much about the werewolves in the Legends and everything because believe it or not years ago I was in imprinted and on but something happened to her that was before I met Renee because if nothing happened to her I would have still been with her she was my wolf my protector she was my everything

Bella so who is it that's my real father and mother then and I really appreciate everything you did for me over the years to keep me safe and everything but like you said it might be time for me to praise or something cuz I I'm starting to feel those emotions and stuff when they get ready to do that

Charlie yes I've noticed that you've been getting warm and everything in that lately and your appetite has increased that's why I've been thinking that was a possibility and that is why I wanted to talk to you about this and let you know the truth alright the truth is your parents are Paul's parents Paul is your brother he's been on his own for a while he doesn't know anything about this but the rest of the elders and Sam knows but Sam was sworn to secrecy

Bella well no wonder I feel like a reservation is home to me because really it is and how come I don't have any of their tan skin or anything like that why am I so pale

Charlie that's because your mother was a white woman and your father was part of the tribe your mother was in imprint you're only Paul's half-sister but now I think it's time for all of you to learn the truth I heard it told everything the Billy Black and he's going to feel pollen and everything so when you go down to La Push again you're going to be getting it probably by your brother and everybody else the whole pack will know this is one strange thing it's a good thing you still have Jacob there is your best friend to help you out and no matter what I'm always going to love you as if you're my own daughter by blood you may not be my blood for real but you are my adoption so as far as I'm concerned I'm always going to be your father but you have a right to know your heritage

Bella wait a minute I was told by Jake up when the time comes to come up with it's better to be around the rest of the pack because if you're not I'll be too hard on you and everything to do with because you don't need them to help learn how to control it and everything how am I going to do with that if I'm living here

Charlie well me and Billy were talking if Paul doesn't want you to live with him where he's your brother you're going to live with Billy in that during that time so you'll be close to everybody on the reservation but I've got a feeling the Paul I want to get to know you because he's so tired of being alone when it comes to his family that is he still has his mother and she looks up at you as if you were part of the family but his father's been gone for so long it's not the same so he pretty much lives on his own now considers the pack mostly his family when they will know about you

Bella well I guess you're right maybe I should go down to live in the reservation and that the first I should go down there and hang out with the guys to find out what we should do it for sure and thank you for everything over the years I mean you're practically raised me even though Renee you left with me when I was young but I still wouldn't trade you for the world as a parent because you were the parent when I needed you and she was a parent when I need her the right now it's time for me to learn more about my Heritage like you said this is going to be something to get used to if I end up living out there maybe I should transfer down to school down there too I just gotta figure out why all of a sudden I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be a part of the pack eventually but why

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