I Am Going To Kill Tony- He Drugged Me!!!!

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Tess POV

I was drifting in and out of consciousness, and I saw a coffee. I lunged for it, it fell and chlorine spilled out of it. I ran from the chlorine, tripped, and waited for my inevitable death by chlorine.

The chlorine changed to a T-rex and it roared in my face. I flinched and tried to get up and run but the dinosaur ate me.

I then opened my eyes to find out that it was daylight and I was in a house instead of the garage where the Iron Man suits are.

I woke up fully when I heard the kid from last night's voice talking to a younger girl. I sat up, and a woman hurried in. "Um, hi," I said as she stared at me. She called for her son, I think he was her son.

"Yeah, mom?" He called. Yep, definitely her son.

"Why is there a mutant- the mutant from the newspaper- laying on my couch?"

"Miss, I am not a mutant. I have catlike eyes and canines, but I also have a tail. I may have been born with this, but these have been traits that my family has carried since the Red Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly," I said honestly.

She stared at me. "And I was here with a man, his name was-" "Mom, Tony Stark gave her an injection after she passed out from hypothermia and that injection kept her asleep." The kid said, and my eyebrows drew together in anger. "He did what?" I asked, and I got up and walked out of the house, quickly apologizing to the woman. I hurried to the suits, the kid following me.

He unlocked it, and Tony's suit came out, then the suit I borrowed came out. "Hey, kid, does Troy Alacrastan still live 'round here?" I asked him. He nodded. "Seven houses down, why?" "Tell him Theresa Bane is going to have a few words with him when I get back," I said, and he nodded quickly. "And I'll visit ya if ya want me to, kid," I said quietly. "But for now, I got to go kill Tony Stark for drugging me! Don't worry, he'll still be alive," I told the kid, as he had a slightly worried look on his face.

"Later, kid!" I called to him, and he waved as I blasted to the sky.

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