Chapter 9: Summer of Falling in Love

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It's been a month. A full month since Harry and I met. I feel so different now then how I used to feel. I'm happier, calmer, nicer even. He just balances me. All my bads he makes up for with his good. He fills voids I didn't even know I had.

I woke up, got out of bed and went to hop in the shower but the door bell rang. I assumed my mom was going to go get it so I went to the shower anyway. If it was for me they would have to wait until I got out. I cleaned up quickly and hopped out.

I walked in my room to see Harry sitting on my bed. "What the hell Harry!" I screamed when I saw him. I wasn't really expecting to see anyone in my room.

"What? Your mom told me you were in the shower so I said I'll wait for you." A grin smeared across his face. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dresser.

"You can get out now," I said with my back to him.

"But I'm liking the view," he laughed.

"You better be talking about my window Harry," I said picking out my clothes.

"Ehh more or less," his deep voice rang. I turned around and caught him staring at me. Harry hadn't seen me naked yet. We hadn't exactly done it. It's not like I didn't want to or anything because trust I want to. I want to every time I see him, but it's just we've never had to.

Harry got up and I watched him as he walked out the door. I changed quickly. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag. I walked out my door and saw Harry talking with Jake in the living room. It was so cute how the played together. Jake liked Harry a lot. They had become close friends since Harry was over here a lot.

I walked up to both of them and Harry looked at me. A big smile came to his face. "You look beautiful," he smiled. I smiled back.

"Well see you later Timmy," I said ruffling his hair.

Harry laughed, "bye Jake." We walked out the house. The beach is where we were headed. Harry said he wanted to spend all day there until the sunset. I said that's a really long time to be at the beach.

We got there and joked and played around. We got in the water a couple of times, went to go eat, came back, and laid down on a blanket. I couldn't help but notice Harry was acting different. He was a little more distant.

It made me feel uneasy. I didn't like Harry being so indifferent. He was supposed to be funny and what he like to call cheeky. He is supposed to make jokes and inappropriate passes at me. We were supposed to laugh and kiss and touch.

We were still having fun it just felt like half of Harry was gone. His mind was in another place. I didn't decide to bring it up until the sun started to make its way down.

"Harry are you ok?" We were laying together looking at the sunset.

"Yeah why?" He looked at me confused.

"Because your not ok. You've been acting weird all day," I said.

"It's just..."

"What's on your mind Harry?" I asked urgently.

"My mom said she doesn't want me seeing you any more. My aunt has somehow found a way to get into her head. She says your a bad influence at that it's going to ruin my already pending reputation," Harry said.

My heart dropped. I knew this would happen eventually. It was inevitable. I stood up and Harry followed close behind. "So this is it then?" Tears teased my eyes but I tried my hardest to push them back.

"What?" Harry looked confused.

"Because I'm never going to change Harry. I can't apologize for who I am or what I've done in the past not to you or your aunt or your mom. I'm just a bad for everyone who comes around me," I continued.

"Carter what stop! I don't want you to apologize for who you are. I love who you are! I don't care at all what my mum has to say. She doesn't know you! She doesn't know how perfect you are! I'm not going to give you up!"

"Why not! I know you think this now Harry but at the end of the summer, your going to be gone and that's what hurts the most! Is knowing we're doing all of this for no reason! So might as well just end it now!"

"No Carter I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to walk away from you at least not when given the choice to."

"Why not Harry!?"

"Because I'm in fucking love with you! Because your the only that's been in my head since I met you. Because no matter how I feel your the only thing that brings me higher. Because I need you so badly in my arms it hearts, I need to here your laugh, see your smile, feel your lips! This shit isn't going away and neither am I. I don't care what my mom or aunt or anybody else has to say about it because they don't know how I feel."

His words hit me like a truck. I had known I was in love with Harry. I had accepted it. I hadn't said it out loud but he just did. He just spilt his heart out right in front of me. I was stunned. So many things were going through my head at one time. One thing kept coming up. He's going to leave you.

Just then a single drop of rain landed on my shoulder then another and another. It started pouring rain. I looked up at the sky confused then back at Harry. "What's wrong Carter. Why won't you accept me?" Harry pleaded.

"I don't know Harry. I just I don't want you to leave and the back of my mind keeps telling me your not here forever cause your not. And I don't know Harry it's really weird I'm so confused and now it's raining. Like it doesn't rain in the summer that shit doesn't happen. Then I think I let myself fall for you. And I let myself fall hard. And then I guess somewhere down the line I fell in love with you too," I ranted through the rain.

"You love me too?" He asked. The air was cold and the rain had already soaked most of his body. I nodded my head yes truthfully. "Then that's all that matters." He rushed in and our lips connected.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me up. My stomach and his warmth heated me up inside making me forget about the rain. I closed my eyes holding on to this moment forever. I held on to the moment that Harry and I were in love.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I looked into his big green eyes completely needing them. "I'm in love with you Carter," Harry whispered. He looked into my eyes so deeply I could feel him in the pit of my stomach.

A huge smile spread across my face. I was in love with those words. "I'm in love with you too Harry," I beamed. I looked up at the sky. The rain was falling hard. I laughed. "It's raining,"

Harry let out a deep laugh. "Yeah maybe we should be getting home."

"Yea. Let's go.." I hopped down and we started walking home. By the time we got back it was dark outside the only light coming from the moon and street lights. The rain had stopped but we were both drenched. He dropped me off at my door.

"Bye Carter," he spoke lowly. I was pressed up against the door, his eyes looked down into mine, his body practically pressed against mine. His hands were on my waist. I was smiling like crazy my smile really hadn't left the whole night.

"No. No goodbye! See you later Harry," I smiled. He smiled back.

"See you later Carter." He bent down and kissed me. I held on to every second. "I love you." I was slightly shocked by the words. It was going to take a long time to get used to.

"I love you too," I smiled and watched him back up from me. I watched as he walked back to his house. I opened my door and walked into my own. What a perfect night.

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