Un: Lost Soul

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Un: Lost Soul

On my way home I decided to pass by the cemetery. It was a shortcut but also a really peaceful place I loved to go. I walked through the old gates and smiled at the old lady watering some plants. She smiled back. As I was casually strolling on the path between the graves, something caught my eye. Squinting and shading my eyes I realised that it was a boy, sitting on a grave. He looked sad so I decided to go to him. He only looked up to me when I handed him a tissue. The boy nodded, took it and blowed his nose.

"I like coming here. It's quiet and it helps me think." I say breaking the silence

"What do you think about?" he asks gesturing for me to sit down

"Life." I answer vaguely

"I prefer thinking about death."

I glance at him. He seems to be around 16 years old, like me. He has dark circles under his eyes which are red (from crying?).

"Appropriate thinking in the appropriate place." I say

He shrugs.

Very talkative.

"By the way I'm-"

"I don't care." he cuts me

"Rude." I roll my eyes

"I don't want to know your name and I don't want to know you so please leave." he says staring at me

"Why?" I ask curiosity taking the best of me

"I don't want anything holding me back." the boy says picking at the grass

I look at the tumbstone we're actually on:

Gwen Brewer


To our little angel, who always smiled no matter what.
From her loving family, boyfriend and friends.

"I'm sorry."


"Your loss."

He sighs before facing me.

"You're annoying you know that?"

I smile at him, "You're not the first one telling me that."

"Why are you here?" he sighs

"Shortcut." I reply

"Why are you here talking to me?" he changes his question

"Dunno. You seemed lonely." I shrug

"Well maybe I like being lonely." he snaps getting up, ready to leave

"Nobody likes that." I disagree with him

"Oh so now you know me better than I do?" he laughs humorlessly

"Was she your girlfriend?" I ask carefully

He closes his eyes for a few seconds then sits back down.

"Please leave." he quietly asks

"I don't want to."

"You do not know me nor the person in this grave so go away!" he says frustrated

"You just seemed so sad..."

"I am."

"Is it impolite if I ask-"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"You know it helps. Talking to someone. And I'm a stranger so it's ok-"

"That's the thing! You're a complete stranger! Why would I open up to you in particular?" he raises his voice

Until The EndWhere stories live. Discover now