drafts tag;

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I got tagged by a senpai a.k.a  O(≧∇≦)O

So, I only have like one---now two drafts atm. Since I'm too lazy to come up with new stories

Snow and The Seven Dorks || BTS

Song Minhye is stoic and aloof person. An outcast who distances herself from people as much as possible. People in her old school think she has no friends and that she is a weirdo. She studies in a school, run by seven popular 'Kingkas' who she thinks are just weird 'dorks'. The school's whole female population will turn crazy every time you mention their names.

But what they didn't know is that the outcast actually has connections with the so-callled Kingkas.

P.S: I know the description is cliché, but I have "plans" for this plot. And if I reveal it, well...my "plans" will be screwed. Lmao. So....yeah. But anyways, I'm still not sure if I will publish this or not so...meh. ∩(︶▽︶)∩

Forgotten || SEVENTEEN

Yuki's in love Mingyu, but he only sees her as a friend. Plus, he's in love with Yuki's best friend,  Hana.

As a friend, Yuki has no choice but to accept this reality. Then Wonwoo, Mingyu's best friend, actually comforts Yuki about it. That being a shock to everyone, since they always argue all the time.

A week has passed and Yuki and Wonwoo were actually hanging out with each other. Then, Yuki's family goes on a vacation.

And then, something happened.

I tag ppl who I obviously tagged before d=(' ▽`)=b


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