The Talent Show

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I watched the time pass on the clock and I shuddered. Two more hours until the talent show. I will be heading to Brisbane to perform my performance (LOLOLOLOLOLOL). Yeah I don't know what is wrong with me. Just don't ask.

Anyways, this is my first diary. I know what you are thinking, "First diary? Geez, Matilda!" Yeah ok, maybe it is, but whatever, my personal life has never got more interesting, okay?

I am so scared for this talent show because it is my first talent show, and I don't know what to expect. No, this isn't some shady talent show. At least I think? I don't know. It is sponsored by my school, Queensland Middle School, the first school in Australia.

A bit later..

We are driving in the car. Oh my god I don't know what the hell to expect. My mind is rushing with scary thoughts of me fainting on the floor because of my stage freight. My dad tried to reassure me. He said, "Oh, Matilda! Don't act like this. You joined this because you wanted to. It is good practice for future speeches.

Ok so right now I see a??? Umm I don't even know. Looks as if it is a some weird school building. Oh wait... NO! We are here!! OMG OMG omg omg what will I do? Help me! Ugh see you later. Wish me luck!


Oh my god. That was a fail. I fell on my face because I was so nervous. Why do bad things always happen to me? Ugh. I guess I should call myself Australia's Biggest Wimp. Yep. "Australia's Biggest Wimp has failed the talent show for Queensland Middle School, complete fail." I can just see it on the TV, my face smooshed into the hard wood floor, laughing out of embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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