Subaru x reader lemon

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Hi everyone!!! I just want to say that this will be a multiple lemon 'story' type thingy. So what I will do (or what my friends will write) is that they will write lemons for all of the Sakamaki brothers and I will publish them. Soon I hope that I can go onto different animes and not just Diabolik Lovers. I will have to ask them that seeing as we all ship Nalu (fairy tail) and I ship Levi and mikasa (attack on Titan) so I'm going to stop this ramble type message and you guys can read the story

I said goodnight to the Sakamaki's and walked upstairs to my room. As I went in Subaru was on my bed, shirtless, waiting. Surely, surely he was downstairs with his brothers? I thought back, he wasn't. Yet here he was, in my room. I got a little bottle from my bedside table. A special drug Reji made for me was inside. I opened it and smelled the blue-ish liquid. Raspberry. I got my pipette and took one drop. Clearly Subaru had already used some, he was undoing his tie that was for some reason still on his topless half. I felt a little woozy, my body not used to this feeling of arousedness. (I think that's how you spell it -.-)
I shut the door and stayed stood there, a good few feet from the wall. Subaru came to me, taking off his trouser at the same time. I unbuttoned my blouse, as he neared unclipping the buckle on my skirt. I felt his move closer now, both in only our underwear. His tie was in his hands behind my back. He undid my bra and tied my hands together. He stood motionless, looking up and down me. I moaned dissatisfied. He got his spare tie and came back to me.
He tied my hair and tied the tie like a blindfold, I could no longer see what was he was doing. Subaru led me somewhere, I was sat on a chair. I wasn't afraid, I'd dreamed of this day.
I felt coldness in my wrists, metal? He'd handcuffed one of my hands to the chair, the other free. He was knelt beside me, licking my neck, shoulder and arm, going down and down. He stopped and smiled infront of me. I still couldn't see, but after a few seconds, I knew he was there.
He started on the front of my neck this time, going down. He stopped a few inches above my naval. I felt his hands, one on each of my legs, this made me shiver. I heard the jingle of keys, my wrist were free. But he wasn't finished.
He placed my hands on him, I didn't know where they were until my mind registered it. I made no complaints, his hand were back on my legs, rolling inwards to my underwear. He pulled at the elastic, tugging it off completely. He pushed me off of the chair and took off the blindfold but covering my eyes with his hands. He sat down instead and he pulled me down on top of him. I moaned loudly, aroused deeply. I was now nervous, I'd never done this before. My virginity flew off, I swear I saw its wings flutter past my eyes. I could now see a wall, so I closed my eyes.
"Your a naughty little girl (Y/N). I hope you learn from this."
I became more never out now, but not letting it show. This time, Subaru pushed me to the floor. He stood over me as he put his manliness into me, hitting my sweet spot continually, causing me to moan and call out his name. When he stopped, I began to cry. Don't ask why, I don't know. But I began to cry silently. He didn't notice. I left pushing him from me, got into my nightie that he bought for me and went to sleep.

--Time Skip--

A few months later, I found out that I was pregnant. When I told him, he proposed to me. The ring was absolutely beautiful, a large ruby set in rose gold on a silver band. I had my child a few months after, a baby girl, and we called her Luna. Three months later, we were married. I was Mrs (Y/N) Sakamaki, now.
He was loyal, as was I. We were in love, true love. But I was worried about something. The date of the birth would've been the same but... Subaru may not be the father. Luna had May hair colour and my eyes but she had bright purple eyes. This could've meant one of a few things
1) Kanato is the father (KANATO SENPAIIII <3)
2) Reji is the father (no.. Just... No)
3) Freak accident
4) It was nothing to be concerned about
I hoped like hell it was four. It was four, the DNA test said that Subaru is the father. I was lucky.

--Le nother time skip--

As Luna got to the age of five, she could read and write amazingly. But while her sixth birthday approached, she fell seriously ill. Nothing anyone could tried could cure her illness. She was in pain, suffering. She lasted three months in her illness before she passed away. On the day of her funeral Subaru was extremely angry with Reji for not even attempting to help Luna. This upset me as Reji had always been particularly kind to me, so I decided to stop the argument by standing between them. Subaru went to punch him but saw me and stopped. He walked off silently.
"I've got something for you." He whispered. At this time he was 22 and I was only 20. He said he was sorry and he went to my room with me. Ayato, Laito and Shu were also there.(K-k-k Kanato senpai is not there ): ) My potion bottle was smashed on the floor. Yay. Subaru joined them and they all took off their shirts in synchronisation. The door was bolted, I was trapped in my room. So I went with it. Until Reji walked in to. After a few minutes, I passed out, so I don't know what ((or who)) happened. But... I was pregnant again, and it wasn't Subaru's this time...
It's was...

Thank you so much for reading this :D
My friend will be happy with the reads it will get also...
This will continue if it gets over 2-5 reads. Seeing as I'm new ish to wattpad and my friends don't write a lot of hentai we are still a new 'group' if that's the right word. I'm going to say this again
THANK YOU FOR READING THIS!!!!!!! Every read makes me and my friends happy and wants us to continue.


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