The Yellow Car Part 14

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Authors Note: This is the first draft and is raw at the moment - when I have completed all Parts I will start the editing process. (All critiques welcome) 

"Will!" I cried

"What do you think you are doing?" I place both hands on his chest and push him away.

Will didn't have time to reply, not that he needed to, he gazed at me guiltily but it was all too much. 

I dived off the boat, into the lake creating a small splash a long branch from the weeping willow smacked me in the face but I ignored it.

I swam back towards my siblings and Penny all the while I could feel William's eyes following me through the water. Oh God, stupid girl, I chastised myself as the cold water ran over my skin. I tried to mask what happened when I reached the others. 

And I did, poorly but I masked it all the same with a smile and shrug.

"What? I just fancied a swim." I said ringing out my dress, my hair dripping.

As they all looked up at me.

"And Will?" Said Jimmy who sat on the bank with his book, Sarah was lying next to him and rolled over when she heard my voice.

"Didn't want to get wet," I said.

"Really?" Percy scoffed and raised her eyebrows she lay next to Sarah whose eyes were closed in the bright early afternoon sunshine.

"Yes, really!" I said although slightly too high pitched and slightly too sarcastic.

Will finally made his way back to the main part of the lake and for the first few minutes avoided looking at me at all. I was sat on the edge of the lake with my book of poetry and eventually Will came and sat next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry," he said.

"No, don't be," I said I couldn't help but fidget.

Will's eyes shot away from his hands and landed on my gaze.

"I don't want you to be sorry but I'm marrying Lord Nial I... made a commitment," I said.

"Well, I just hope he doesn't turn you sour because you are just the sweetest thing." Said Will who, as he spoke let his hand brush mine, I let him, and I couldn't help but like it, the feeling of his skin brushing my own.


"Hey Lav, do you want breakfast or you going to spend all day hauled up in your room?" Shouted Sam from the bottom of the stairs.

Sam's voice broke Lavinia's concentration she put down her pen quickly and folded her letter to Charlie into her back pocket.

"Alright I coming" she shouted back.

Lavinia flew down the stairs, the best thing or one of the best things about Sam and Andy being home was Sam's cooking. His speciality was breakfast. When she reached the kitchen Sam had, as she had expected got to work on pancakes she pulled up a chair and smiled at him.

"You have your uses," said Lavinia.

"So true" laughed Andy.

George and Anna had gone out leaving the triplets alone in the house, Andy was fussing because Sam had decimated Anna's beloved kitchen and while they were arguing over who was actually going to clean up the mess. Lavinia was deciding how she could escape the house without her brother and sister following.

"You made the mess you can bloody well clean it up," said Andy.



The Girl Who Fell Out of the Ocean (The Ghostly Saga Book 1) -EditingWhere stories live. Discover now