Time Given is Always Time Lost

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Mary wakes up in a panic. "What was that!?" she exclaims as she tries to gather herself.

"Who was that; and why did he look like Alexander?"

She sits up against the back of her bed trying to remember what she was seeing in her dream trying to figure out what is actually the dream. "That just felt so real. One part of me wants this to be fake and the other part of me just wants this to be real." she whispers to herself as she holds back her tears.

"Please come back to me my love." she thinks to herself as she lays back down to fall back asleep, and venture back into serenity, back into her own world where time stands still and for the most part, everything is the way that it is 'suppose to be', or at least the way she wishes it would still be. Those words echoing in her mind, "Please come back to me."

She drifts off into a slumber and wake in her dream world, again dazed and confused.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? What is your purpose in this world?" she hears bodiless, emotionless, voices attacking her, demanding answers; sadly without the ability or time to answer them.

She is jolted awake by familiar noises in the distance. "Where am I?" she says as she sites up, running her hands again threw her long beautiful black hair sitting under that very familiar tree from so long ago.

"I love you, then, now, and always." she says as she sinks back into sleep just as beautiful as she remembered. Sheltered by the very same tree under the very same sky as that faithful day.

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