Ch 1: The Beginning of A Rocky Tour

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"What the bloody hell are our bosses thinking?" England Sighed 

"I don't know Angleterre but I'm excited, except for one little issue.." He sighed 

"YO ENGLAND FRANCE ARE YOU GUYS AS PUMPED AS I AM!~" America yelled, pumping his fist in the air 

"I don't understand why you're so excited, it's a waste of time." England scoffed 

"Non Angleterre It is going to be a blast and some countries might join in with us too." France smiled 

"Yeah Iggy~" America cheered 

"Don't call me Iggy you git!" He yelled angrily "I'm going home to pack." He continued 

"OK see you Tomorrow!" America yelled happily 

"Do you need any help honhonhon" France said, following behind him 

America grabbed France "Don't you need to pack too?" He warned  

..France pouted and walked away

~~~~~~~~~~At England's house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I cannot believe my boss is making me do this. I'd rather do paperwork for queens sake." England growled while packing his bag with clothes or throwing them angrily as it seemed. 

"What's wrong Britain?" Flying Mint asked, upon seeing England fuming 

"What's wrong is that the three of us have been selected to do a tour sort of thing around Europe" He growled 

"Tour?" A fairy asked 

"Yes a tour, as in singing and dancing and performing. All because they wish to compete!" He ranted 

"What's the competition about?" A unicorn asked, helping England get his clothes with his horn 

"They thought it would be lovely for us three to be together since our history is not well, or at least that's how it began. Soon after deciding to send us off they began to fuss about how one of us would leave and back out or something, so They made a bet. A bloody bet! I am the United Kingdom not a person to be bet on!" He ranted 

"Calm down England~ It cant be that bad your crush is going right?" Flying mint bunny snickered 

"S-Shut Up! Its not like that I hate both of them, Ones a pervert and the other is an Imbecile." He blushed 

He kicked his friends out and once again began packing his bags. Cursing under his breath and blushing at the same time. He completed his luggage and placed it by the door. He walked to his windowsill and stared at the moon. He lightly blushed, 'maybe it wont be such a bad thing'. he thought

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

England awoke to a loud crash downstairs. He quickly bolted up and grabbed his dagger that laid by his bedside. He slowly made his way to the noise and was about to raise his knife when he saw the two people he wished would disappear fighting in front of him. 

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" America yelled angrily 


"WHAT THE BLOODY 'ELL IS GOING ON HERE!" England shouted above both of them. 

They both instantly froze upon hearing England's voice. They released each other and quickly began to place blame on each other. 

"Just shut up and tell me why you wankers are here." England sighed, holding his head to prevent a headache so early in the morning 

"w-well I wanted to make some Pancakes for you since Canada taught me last week and all." America said, rubbing the back of his neck 

"I wished to make mon petite lapin a tasty breakfast with tea to top it off." France smiled 

"Why the hell would you do that?" He growled 

America blushed and France took his chance. "Because a beautiful person deserves to 'ave a wonderful breakfast ,non?" 

It was now England's turn to blush but he quickly hid it, turning his head away. "S-shut up frog." 

"The bus is here~" A fairy said in his ear 

"Oh thank you bell." England responded. The two countries looked at their crush confused 'who the hell is he talking to?' They thought. 

"The bus is here." England said to them, he walked upstairs to get dressed while the other two stayed downstairs fighting about who would sleep closer to England.

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