Ch 14

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Arthur was huddled against the Canadian. The scent of maple and tea mixing in with the  room. Canada sighed he never wanted this to end. He had loved Arthur for the longest time, even if he seemed to go unnoticed by the others, Arthur always managed to see him. Sure he confused him for his brother but he saw him, and that was enough. Arthur made a noise of distraught, causing the Canadians worry to rise. He had seen humans go through this, he had seen France go through this and even sometimes America, although he’d never admit it. He knew France dreamt about all his failures; even though Canada never saw them that way, and America dreamt of Pearl Harbor, the depression, and of course the Civil War.  Yet he had no clue what Arthur dreamt of. He had heard Arthur make noises hat made the Canadian flinch, but he never got the courage to ask…Maybe this time he would.
“Arthur.” Matthew lightly shook him
Arthur woke up immediately at the touch and seemed to panic. Looking around, trying to figure out his whereabouts. Matthew grabbed Arthur’s face, forcing him to look into the Canadians calm violet eyes.
“M-Matthew…” England cried, for the first time in Canada’s lifetime, England cried….

    France and America were in the meeting. America shouting out idiotic ideas and France writing furiously. Something seemed off… Germany noticed this.
Both America and France shared a quick glance and ran out, leaving a confused Germany and an all knowing Italy.
“Germany, I will take notes for them” He stated
“Italy your already taking notes for England you cant take notes for all of them.” Germany sighed
“I will take notes for France.” Spain stated Happily
“Da, I will take notes for America.” Russia smiled
Prussia went up to his brother, “I’ll take extra notes, just in case. It gives the awesome me something to do during this not awesome meeting.”
Germany smiled softly and nodded before quickly going back into the meeting.

    France and America rushed to their separate cars and drove to Canada’s house. They arrived at the Canadians house, with a little bit of worry in their minds, what if Matthew was no in the leas??? What if He confessed his feelings?? What if England accepted them?? What if…They lost their love?
Both of them quickly took out the keys to the Canadians house and fought to open the door.
“Amerique I can open the door.” 
“But France the hero always goes first.” America stated
“But Im calmer and I should open the door.”
“I’m awesome and I should open the door.”
Suddenly Americas phone rang. He didn’t bother to check the id ad quickly answers
“AWESOME America here” He annunciated Awesome to show France that he did indeed was awesome
“Kesesesesese you wish you were as awesome as the awesome me! Now stop bickering and open the door.” Prussia laughed
“How did you-”
“I have these awesome abilities to were I can here if anyone uses awesome in vain, So my awesome senses tingled.”
“Dude,….that’s awesome…” America said baffled
“I know.” Prussia said, hanging up
“Prussia?” France asked
“Prussia.” America stated
While America was on the phone France took the liberty of unlocking the door. He softly pushed open the door and America looked at him.
“Cheater.” America stated
The both went into the house and went up the stairs, trying to trip the other along the way. 
“Thank you Matthew.” The heard England say
The looked at each other and mouthed ‘Matthew?’ England only used their human names in public, never alone.
They quickly busted in the room. Only to catch England giving Matthew a peck on the cheek.
America fell to his knew and cried out. “I LOST!!!!”
France pulled a rose out of no where and went to a corner “I lost to my child.”
“Bloody hell, what are you wankers talking about.” England huffed
Canada held in his laughter at the sight and tried to focus on getting rid of the rising blush.
“You’re with Mattie now! That means I lost!” America fell on the floor stretching his arms out as if he had no meaning to life.
“Oui, I too have lost to mon Matthew.” France sighed
“Lost???” England was still in shock
“You guys…Shut up.” Matthew said, suddenly realizing what was going on and the outcome if it continued
“NEVER!” America shouted, raising a hand
“lost…you guys lost…” England stated, putting things together.
“America, please.” Matthew begged
“I am proud of you mon ami, but I cannot help feel sorrow.” France stated
“Papa, Please shh” Matthew tried again
Too late, now it was out and explaining it to England would not be simple.

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