Helter Skelter

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Johns Point Of View

Once the bell rings I get my stuff and ask for his class schedule. "Woah cool, we have the same classes! So you can just follow me around, I guess." I smile and hand the paper back to him. We head for 2nd period, Math. "My names John, by the way, John Egbert." I say while we walk.

"Dave, of the Striders." He says. I laugh at that, and it might just be my imagination but I think Dave blushed a little. I can't confirm my thought though because when we enter the class Dave sighs. While we are walking to our seats he mumbles "Sister." when Rose walks by him.

"Brother." She says back, "I see you found a friend."

"Oh would you just shut i---"

"Hey Rose." I interrupt Dave. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Hello John." She smiles smugly and before I know what's happening Dave is dragging me to a seat. I plop down in a desk and Dave sits in the one in front of me. He turns around to face me.

"How in the hell do you know that witch?" Dave whisper shouts.

"Um we're friends. So you and her are siblings?" I say.

"Unfortunately, yeah." He says looking over at her. "Me and my Bro moved up here from Texas, she'd come and visit us a lot, but mostly she lived with our Mom."

"Well sisters aren't that mean! I have one, she lives with our grandad. Shes very nice." I say.

"If shes anything like you there are a ton of differences. Like being smart, cute, and not being a WITCH!" Dave says the last part loud, getting Roses attention.

"WIZARD!" Rose says back, glaring at Dave. The teacher comes in after and Dave turns around, glaring at Rose.

W-wait did Dave just call me cute? 'If my sisters anything like me', heh --- WAIT WHAT?!

Dave's Point Of View

Shit, shit, SHIT.

Did I really just call John cute?! I mean smart was understandable, but cute! Maybe he hasn't noticed, hopefully he hasn't noticed. Oh gosh, its all Roses fault, her angering me so much to expose something, although true, but I barely know him!

I get through a couple more classes. All I do is talk to John about random stuff. It's pretty normal, except when I glance over at him, he's already looking at me. And I mean how can you keep your eyes off of him normally? But now when when I look at him we lock eyes for a second and then look away really fast. Even though I have glasses on, he just somehow knows when I'm looking at him. All I really want to do is stare at him, admiring his cuteness.

When the lunch bell rings, we put up our stuff in our lockers and I follow John into the cafeteria. We get the 'food' and sit down. There are other people sitting at the table, John introduces me to them.

There's Sollux, a cool dude with 3D glasses on. Karkat, a angry little guy thats always calling me fuckass. Apparently they are dating. Also there is the really tone dude named Equius who is best friends with this cat girl, Nepeta. This stoner looking guy with clown make up, Gamzee. And his shy boyfriend, Tavros. Jade, Johns' sisters is there, shes not as cute as him. Rose and her girlfriend, Kanaya, are there too. I know Kanaya already, a stylish girl with short red ish orange ish hair. There are a couple of others too but I don't really remember their names.

A couple minutes into lunch these girls come over. One with blonde hair, and the other with red. The blonde sits down next to John and the redhead next to me.

"Hey John~" The blonde says. The redhead just looks at me, she has these bright red glasses on, so I think she does.

"Hey Vriska." John says looking over at me.

"So are you going to the dance with anyone yet? If not wanna go with me?" She says.

"Uh sure, if you want to." John replies. I would be a little sadder about this news but the red head is leaning towards me and licking her lips.

"Hey, John! Who's your friend?" She says.

"Oh thats Dave, Dave thats Terezi." I glance over at him.

"Sup." I say, leaning back as far as I can.

"Sooo~ Cutie. You going to the dance?"

"I'm going to be the DJ, sweetcheeks. Sorry bout that." I say trying to get her to leave. She furrows her brow and frowns.

"Oh." Vriska notices her change in mood.

"Come on Terezi, lets find you some one who knows how to treat a lady." They get up and leave, Vriska strutting away and Terezi behind her.

John resumes eating and I look at him.

"So when is this dance, Egderp. Why didn't you tell me." I sigh dramatically for effect. John laughs, well he tries to, his mouth is full of food. So he ends up almost choking.

"Its next Friday, I'm soooo sorry I forgot!" He drags out the last part. I chuckle a little and John blushes. It was a pretty good lunch.

Johns Point Of View

The rest of the day goes good. And after we walk home, I see that Daves house isn't that far from mine.

The next day goes as good as the first. All we did was work and boring work.

As the next week progresses, Dave and I get to each other better. We practically just tell each other random facts every now and then. I now know Dave's middle name is Elizabeth, he absolutely hates puppets, and is really good at rapping.

I've also noticed things about him. Like when he's talking about something he's passionate about, his pale face gets redder, making some very faint freckles appear. And how he'll listen to my pointless rants about Con Air, even though he doesn't even look Con Air.

I don't know why I notice this stuff. I mean it's not like I like him more than a friend.


Hey guys! Yay chapter two! Sorry it took so long, I've been watching Tokyo Ghoul and Ouran Highschool Host Club! THEY ARE SO GOOD.

Lol sorry off topic but it's true.

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