5- Progress

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    The day after we told our families we were expecting, I realized I needed to tell Allie. I hadn't told her yet because she had been so busy with her daughters. I went onto my phone and hit her contact.
    "Hello?" I heard her voice say through the the phone, "Hey Allie! How are you doing?" I asked. "Good, we just got home with Olivia and Maddie." I smiled. I was relieved that they were finally able to go home after a month long stay in the hospital.
I decided to just say it. "Allie, I know what I'm doing for a job. I'm not going to college," I said. "Wha-" she said, confused. I interrupted her. "I'm pregnant. And yes, it was planned."
She was silent for what felt like an eternity. "Wait really?" I laughed. "Yes, really," I replied.
We talked for a few minutes about everything that had happened. She was excited, and she told me that I could use their extra crib. I could tell it hurt her to say that. I thanked her, and told her I had to go to a doctor's appointment.
Daniel drove us to the doctor's office. We arrived, signed in, and were soon called back. I lied down on the chair and answered some questions the doctor had. Before I knew it, she was applying the ultrasound gel to my lower stomach.
    It didn't take long before our young child appeared on the screen. I cupped my hands over my mouth as tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks. I had never felt this happy and excited before.
     After we saw the baby, we were informed that my due date was March 8th. I was excited to finally know the official date. On our way home, Daniel and I picked up the crib from Allie. When we arrived at her house, I was able to see Madeline and Olivia, who were peacefully sleeping in the nursery. I could tell it was hard for Allie to be giving away Hector's crib. I gave her a hug and comforted her. We talked about everything that was going on.
After many more minutes of talking, Daniel and I hopped in the car and headed home. We set up the crib together, then he went home. I fell asleep that night thrilled for the future.

The Decision[Hallie from Ours, Together]Where stories live. Discover now