The Prologue

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------------------------------ The Prologue ---------------------------

The Borderlines were at peace now . We didn't have to worry about any wars because we made treaties . But I have a feeling the wars all come back again . It consume all Borderlines and soon the whole world . And one person will have to stop it . Maybe even two .

But Rick and I already have done our job .
Save Borderline .
And we did .

We will always be the protectors of Borderlines . We will watch over everything make sure there is no bad .. We will do what is necessary to prevent wars from happening . People losing their homes .
Their loved ones .
In the end though , it comes down to one decision though .
Either protect the Borderline or die knowing you did .
But we survived and we can do it again .
No one will ever harm this world again.
We must trust each other . Gain respect . Sometimes we can't trust each other . Others will . Eventually ,we'll all fall and bad rises from the ashes where it once was buried .
We can't say ashes to ashes , dust to dust for nothing because soon the ashes and dust rise like fire . You live long enough to see the fire rise and grow .
That's just how its created .
We make the fire .

We have peace for a long time until ....................

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