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(No Pov)
Zelo couldn't believe it. He quickly went to the hospital trying hard not to cry, the man he loved could die any damn minute and he'd have himself to blame. If only he would've actually confessed. Zelo walked up to the desk trying to speak clearly. "Wh-Where's Bang Yongguk's room?" The woman at the desk looked up then back at the computer. "Are you his brother or...? Because I can only allow family or the significant other" "I'm his boyfriend" The lady nodded quickly typing on the keyboard looking extremely focused. "He's in room 308" Zelo nodded muttering a thanks then went straight to the room, slowly peeking in he saw Yongguk looking blankly at a wall, he looked so tired and done with everything bags under his eyes and all. Zelo took a deep breath then walked in, he took a seat next to Yongguk's bed trying to hold any tears. "Gukkie why..?" Yongguk looked down keeping quiet. "Why did you come here?" Yongguk looked at Zelo, Zelo looked like a beart brokem mess it hurt to see it that way. "Because I love you and I cant have you leaving me..." Yongguk looked up shocked and grabbed the others hand. "I-I...Love you t-too" Zelo leaned closer to Yongguk lightly placing his lips against the others. Yongguk placed his hand on the back of Zelo's neck deepening the kiss, suddenly the door opened causing Zelo and Yongguk to move apart. Yongguks mother stood at the door with a shocked and disgusted expression. Yongguk grabbed Zelo's hand tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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