Chapter 10: Grayson is Quiting?

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Grayson dropped me off at home when we got back into town. I kissed him said goodnight and walked inside my house. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom making pancakes (my favorite). I check the time, is 8:45pm why is she making pancakes this late at night?
"Mom... Why are you making pancakes?"

"You have to break up with Grayson."

"WHAT! No I'm not going to break up with him we just got together!"

"Sweetie I know and I understand that but you can not be with him right now."

"Why mom! Why can't I be with him right now?"

"Because he needs to start doing something that won't get him into to much trouble for being with you."

I realized she was right. I needed to do this. I walked up to my room and texted Grayson.

G - Grayson
E - Ellie
E: Hey I don't really want to do this over text but I have to.
G: What is it?
E: We have to break up.
E: We can't be together while your still my teacher. You have to get a new job so that we can be together.
G: Your right. But do we really have to break up? Do you know how long it could take me to find another job? Plus I can't just quit for no reason.
E: I can have me friends make it a living hell to work at that school so then you can tell the principle that you hate it here and that you would never come back.
G: I guess that sounds good.
E: My mom could help you find a new job too.
G: Thanks so much❤️
E: Yep. I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight Mr.Dolan
I wasn't sure if I could actually fall asleep now but I would have to try. I finally got to sleep but I woke up at 6:00 am and went to go pee I didn't want to go to school today but I knew I had to. I went to my closet not caring what I was gonna wear today, I grabbed a old Pink Floyd t-shirt, and a sleeping with sirens sweatshirt, and black sweatpants. I went to my bathroom took a shower and got dressed. I went down stairs grabbed and apple told my mom that Grayson was quitting today and to be prepared. I walk out the front door and off to school. When I got to school I saw that there was nobody outside I checked the time and saw that it was 7:50. I ran into school went to my locker grabbed my books and ran to class I made it in just before the bell. Mr.Dolan took attendance I started texting MJ. Mr. Dolan walked over, took my phone and told me to meet him after class with a smirk on his face. He has to realize that he can't do that anymore were not together. After class I walked over took my phone off his desk and walked out of his classroom without saying anything to him. I went to gym and told MJ the plan but she wasn't on board with the plan. She walked away and started talking to Sammy. Sammy was this really mean girl that always talk shout about MJ and I, why was MJ talking to her? I didn't think anything of it by then when she didn't sit by me at lunch I started to think that my so called best friend was leaving me. In social studies I asked Brianna, Ashley, and Shannon if they wanted to help with my plan. They all thought it was really sweet that I would do that because I love him. Then next day at school we did as planned in math. After school that day I walked home. I texted Grayson and asked if he quit.

E: Ellie
G: Grayson

E: Hey, so did you do it?
G: No, I couldn't do it. Sorry.
E: What! What do you mean you couldn't do it???
G: Well I was walking down the hall and on my way down I kept thinking to myself that I was gonna be out of a job for a while probably.
G: Yes she did but I love teaching and I'm not ready to leave.

I didn't reply I just sat there...

Hey guys Ik big cliff hanger😂😂 The next chapter is going to be really long. Also once I'm done completely writing this book I'm going to be writing another book. It's going to be very sad (just a heads up). But you should read it when I start writing it. It's going to be called How She Hurt. Also one last thing Saving Jade. It's a really great book you should go read it there is more chapters and it's getting really good. I love you guys. Thanks for voting for my book❤️

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