The Stitched Lips

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    A chill sent a shiver down my spine, it was extremely cold, the temperature felt like it was dropping each second. "If only I brought my coat," I said aloud, it echoed back, but my eyes widened as I heard "don't worry you wont need it for much longer"  the voice was croaky, coming from a old woman was my guess. Terrified, I ran for the door  my eyes searching but there was only an endless darkness. I felt my heart  beating a mile a minute as my hands searched the endless darkness for a doorknob- a wall- anything. Suddenly I heard  the creaking of the floor boards, my feet glued to the floor as I tried screaming for help,  it was silent for a moment. Two white as snow hands lunged or my neck, her white nails piercing my throat. Her horrid face merged from the darkness I faint laugh coming from her stitched lips. "Even pretty cant last forever.." She grabbed a sewing needle, with a black as night thread hanging off, "Don't worry you wont feel a thing.." She began to sew the pain was awful as I screamed but by the time I yelled , I couldn't no more because my lips were stitched, She grabbed my dirty blond hair tearing it out and cutting out chunks with a sharp as claws dagger . I hoped the end wouldn't come, but as the clock struck midnight, she lifted the dagger, the end came anyway.

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