Chapter 8

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I walked back to our table and everyone was into a conversation.

"What did your mom want?" Danielle asked.

"She just wanted to see how far we got." I said placing the napkin on my lap.


We sat through the dinner.

Eventually Luke came in looking flustered. I just smirked to myself.

Everyone talked for a while and just pretend like nothing was wrong with Luke.

Danielle and Michael really hit it off. Next thing I knew he was coming to the hotel and I was on the roof. I heard the door open then close.

I looked over to see Luke.

"I don't want any of your 'lessons' tonight." I told him.

We sat in silence.

"I did this a lot you know. Sat on roof tops thinking. Sometimes I would stand on the edge. Just wanting to be done."

"Don't talk like that." Luke said laying his head on my shoulder. "That makes me sad."

"Well I'm a sad person." I mumbled.

"How come you are not you tonight?" Luke asked. "I mean you were not yourself at dinner. You were quiet, rarely laughed, looked down. What's going on?" Luke paused. "Today-"

"Don't start. I'm already upset and full of memories."

"Hazel I'm sorry."

"Can I just have some time to myself? Please?" I said. Luke got up and left.

-Luke P.O.V-

I went to my room to see Michael and Danielle watching "The Lego Movie" while cuddling.

"Where's Hazel?" She asked.

"On the roof?" I hesitated rubbing the back of my neck.

"Shit. Today is-"

"Yeah. She needs you."

Danielle jumped up and ran to the door.

"See you guys later."

I plopped onto the bed.

"Don't tell me what happened on this bed. I don't want to know."

-Hazel P.O.V-

I was sitting alone when all of a sudden the door swings open.

"HAZEL I AM SO SORRY!" Danielle shouts and then comes to hug me.

"Don't be. I didn't remember until we were at dinner." I told her.

Danielle looked at me with sorrow.

"I just hate it you know? Not having my dad here to watch me grow. Not hearing his voice. Not feeling him hug me. Never watching him come home with everyone else. I hate that I have to watch my mom hurt. She doesn't date. She doesn't date because she is afraid."

There was silence.

"I just wanna scream and cry. Maybe, just maybe he will come back. But then I realize that's a childish thought. I want him back you know?" At this point I was in tears.

"Hey it's okay. I get that it still hurts. You need to let this out." Danielle started holding my hand.

"I just want him back." I started wiping my tears. "Look at me. I just graduated and I'm crying like a baby for my Daddy." I said wiping my eyes.

"It's ok to cry you know." Danielle stated.

"Not like this. I've grown up I've tried to move on. That's not good enough though I guess. I just want to stop being so damn emotional every time this day comes."

"I get it. Not completely but I get it. But you can't bottle up your emotions. You graduating, getting a once in a life time job. It's tough but you can't bottle your emotions. You know how that can turn out."

A few years ago I had a break and I almost jumped from my roof. Danielle found me before I could do anything. I spent almost a month in rehab.

"Yeah but I have to be strong. I have to be strong for my mom. I can't be a mess around her. She is already mad at herself for not moving with us." I explained.

When my father decided to join the military he went back to the U.S. Since that is where he was from. I didn't have very many friends out here so my parents thought a change in scenery would be nice.

So I moved with my dad. My mom decided to stay in Australia to keep her job. She always called us.

When my dad went for training I went to my grandparents.

I remember getting the news of my dad passing...

It was just another day. Claire, Annie, and I decided to hang out in the library during our study hall. I was in what the Americans call 9th grade.

'What do you miss most of Australia?' Annie asked.

'The city. My parents and I would go for the weekend and do all sorts of things. Sometimes my dad would act like he would throw my mum and I in the water. Even though we knew he was never going to.'

'Hazel you need to go to the guidance office.' The librarian told me.

'Yes ma'am. I will catch up with you guys later.' I told my friends.

I headed to the guidance office not sure why they needed me.

Once I got there I saw my grandparents along with two soldiers in dress blues.

I was really nervous.

'Hazel dear, have, have a seat.' My grandmother patted the chair next to me and I took a seat.

Something was wrong.

'We are with your fathers battalion. We got the news this morning that he was killed in action. We are sending him home today. He should be here in a few days. We will call when he comes in. We are sorry for your loss.'

'This is a joke. You're joking.'


'No. These guys are joking. They have to be. I just talked to him before I went to school. You have to be joking. You guys are lying.' Tears are falling down my cheeks.

'We are sorry.' And the soldiers just walked out.

At this point I was a mess. How could this happen?

The next few days were a blur. My originally came out for business but the company gave her time off.

By the time of the funeral I hadn't slept for days.

When I saw my dad for the last time you can see where the bullet hit him.

Right in his head.

I remained strong until the field artillery song came on. I ran out of the service. I just sat outside of the church...

Danielle just hugged me tight. Next thing I knew Luke was hugging me too.

"Let's get you changed and go watch a movie yeah?" Danielle asked knowing how to get me calmed down.


"We will come to your guys' room." Danielle told Luke. "We will pay for the movies too."

Danielle ushered me to our room and she let me cry it out before I changed and went to the boys' room.

Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated in a really long time it feels like and I'm sorry.

Things had come up and I just wasn't able to write. I hope you guys understand.

If you have any possible ideas let me know. I'm out of school so I will be able to update.

Love y'all

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