chapter 1

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sebastian came into the room, just like every early morning. he clapped his hands loudly with a playful smirk playing at his lips.

"finny, baldroy, chop chop! we've got a very busy schedule today!" he claimed, causing the two to sit up and grunt.

finny gave almost a whimper, rubbing his head miserably. "come on mister sebastian.. five more minutes..?" he said quietly. of course, sebastian wouldn't usually accept behavior like this from the other servants but finny was a slight exception. you can't forget that finny was still a child himself, only sixteen.

baldroy on the other hand wasn't going to even try to negotiate, so he got of bed and stretched. he yawned loudly.

sebastian looked at finny, sighing softly. "we've got a lot of work to get done today, finny." he said sternly, also adding on a small dirty look.

immediately finny jumped out of bed, nodding quickly. "s-sorry sir!" he said quickly, and turned towards his small night stand. he clipped back his wild hair back with his famous five clips.

sebastian nodded formally, a small chuckle escaping his lips. he turned around and walked out to let the two get ready for the day.

almost the moment the door closed, baldroy smiled and turned around to look at the much shorter boy in front of him.

"how'd ya' sleep?" he asked walking closer to press a small kiss to the boys head.

finny smiled hugely, a giggle escaping his lips. "very well.. and you?" he asked politely, wrapping his arms around baldroy's waist to hug him tightly. he was the perfect height for his head to be tucked right under bards chin.

taking the opportunity as it was there, baldroy rested his head on top of finnians. he embraced the younger boy for a moment before answering, "i slept good. 'specially since you were there right next to me." he said, quite cheesy really. that was how baldroy was though, and finny found his goofy yet flirty remarks adorable.

so, the servants all prepared for the day and got to work. baldroy went to the kitchen, determined to prepare some breakfast for the young master. but finny made him promise to not use a flame thrower this time. he might break that promise. may-rin started on the laundry, trying her best to make it all clean but could barely even read how many cups to use with her far-sighted eyes. finnian went out to the garden, planting a few plants in the front yard. he loved to spend time outside, so he made sure to take his time.

finnian sleepily watered his flowers, cautious to not flood the newly potted beauties. a smile crept across his face, these were baldroy's favorites (though he'd never admit to liking such a frivolous thing as flowers). in all honesty, finny had planted them for the sole purpose of getting the older boy's attention, and it seemed to have worked quite well.

across the yard, baldory was cooking up some pastries. he hurriedly mixed together all ingredients wanting to surprise the young lad with his favorite dish. since the tragedies of the war, finny was the only innocence baldroy could find in the world. he didn't know how to describe his attraction to the boy; he wanted to protect him from the horrors of the world, but a part of him yearned to show him the roughness and deeper side of life.

as baldroy stood there getting lost in his thoughts, he ended up smelling the horrible scent of smoke. he honestly was more used to the aroma than he should've been. he frantically grabbed a bucket from the cabinet and filled it with water from the faucet. he ran over, letting out a rough cough as he poured the water on to the destroyed pastry.

"baldroy." he heard a stern and recognizable voice from the door speak.

he chuckled awkwardly, turning towards the dark figure. "'ey sebastian! uhh.. how ya' doing?" he said awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

sebastian sighed and shook his head. "i swear baldroy, you are a complete nuisance." he said annoyed. "ill prepare the masters breakfast. get out of here." he sighed.

even though baldroy has seen a lot of death and suffering, he still found that damn butler pretty terrifying. he sighed and walked out, scratching the back of his head. "what the hell am i supposed to do now?" he said to himself, it being a small habit of his. that was when he suddenly heard a scream.

baldroy quickly started to run in the direction of the scream, which was followed by sobs. he could recognize the sound anywhere.

"finny!" he yelled quickly, worry all over his face as he approached the small boy. he looked down at the boy, expecting to see him covered in blood or something for him to actually freak out about. but instead, there finny was, sobbing holding a squished worm in his hand.

finny turned at the voice, crying loudly. he was a murderer. he was a horrible person. he accidentally squished an innocent worm. "b-bard! i-i killed it!" he squeaked out, whimpering.

baldroy sighed in relief, not caring at all about the worm genuinely but knew that finny must've been heartbroken. he slowly took the worm from finny, setting it down into the dirt. he buried the poor thing, then turning to finny and gave a light smile. "he can rest in peace now!" he chuckled softly just wanting to see a smile on the boy's face again.

finny was still crying, but his tears had definitely slowed down. he wrapped his arms around baldroy, burying himself into the older mans chest as a source of comfort. "poor worm..!" he said quietly and looked up at bard.

baldroy smiled softly and rubbed his back, hugging him back tightly. "he's in a better place, fin'." he chuckled.


SO YEAH. sorry this is slightly short and not very dramatic. i wanted chapter one to just be pure fluff and an introduction to the characters. don't worry, it'll get very dramatic soon.

ill also will be involving the other characters more than I did in this chapter. i do have a general idea for this fanfic so im hoping it will go by well!
*tickle tickle*

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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