Awakening - Chapter 5.

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I was stuck in the darkness for what seemed like 3 weeks now; 3 weeks in a dark void watching my own body lay numb in a hospital bed. It was about time that I woke up, I'd had it really easy for 3 weeks, plus I want to thank Natasha and all the nurses and staff for being so kind and helpful.

The hospital has me registered as a Jane Doe, because they don't know who I am. Obviously mum hadn't rung the police to say that her child has been missing for 3 weeks, and my dads away somewhere - not sure where - so he wouldn't have a clue about any of this; he'd assume I'm still at mums.

So, Jane doe; I prefer my actual name, Lotus, yet no one here knows me and can't identify me. Jane doe is fine though, I suppose.

Majority of the time spent in the dark void, I slept. There wasn't much else to do apart from WATCH and commentate, but barely anything happened.

Around 4 or 5 hours later I woke up to something strange: I woke up in the hospital bed!

Instantly I closed my eyes again hard to see if it was just a trick of my mind, to see if I was still stuck in that lifeless place, but no. I wasn't.

I was actually awake in my actual body, and I assumed that meant things would begin to get better from here. However, in the darkness I couldn't feel a thing- no pain or anything. Being back in my body meant feeling everything that was wrong with me.

I sat up carefully, trying not to knock any of the wires still attached to me, and not to make too much noise.

Looking around the room, I noticed it was quite larger than I had seen from, I'm going to call it "the above". I got to see the view first hand, and it was beautiful. There were many pretty flowers on the windowsill and on my bedside table, all in bluey colours and purples; assuming they're from Natasha.

Natasha. I could finally speak to her and let her know who I am and how grateful I was. So I fell back to sleep, and waited until someone arrived to my room.

It took a few hours for anyone to come in and disturb my sleep, though I didn't mind because I had just slept for over 3 weeks. I doubt you'd call that sleeping though.

"How do you think she's doing?" One nurse said to the other, glancing over my files at the end of the room.

"She'll hopefully be fine, sad that we don't know who she is; her poor parents..." The other replied, wandering towards the flowers near me. "Awe, that Natasha girl sure is sweet. How nice of her to bring all these flowers."

I opened my eyes and slowly lifted myself to a sitting position, catching the two nurses' attention.

"Oh look! She's awake!"

They immediately rushed over, firing words out of their mouths. "Sorry, this must be a bit much; I'll start over. I'm nurse Tina and this is my colleague, nurse Lanie. You have been here in this hospital a little over 3 weeks recovering from a mighty injury. To us, you are known as Jane doe as we do not know who you are, so we haven't been in contact with your family." Nurse Tina said softly, smiling.

She sat down in the chair next to me. I followed her with my eyes. "You have had a little friend come to see you, you may have noticed with all the flowers and things brought to your bedside. Her name is Natasha, and she has said that she doesn't directly know you, but she has seen you around, I think often in the library in the town centre. She comes as often as she can, and I'm sure she'll be pleased to see you!" Nurse Tina and nurse Lanie exchanged a glance at each other, both wide eyed and smiling.

I thought it was high time to speak, to save their breath. "Thank you for taking care of me." I whispered croakily. I hadn't spoken in over three weeks, so obviously it would have been a bit whispy.

They both gleamed with joy and excitement. "Your voice will be okay, you just have to get used to talking again" nurse Lanie said, probably because she noticed how I reacted to the sound of my voice.

I smiled slightly and nodded. I felt tired and drained, even though I had been unconscious for under 4 weeks.

"May we ask your name? It's about time we identified who you are, you know things like your name, date of birth. Then we can let your parents or guardians know that you are here." Nurse Tina asked, politely with a kind look in her eyes.

"My name is Lotus Blue... And my date of birth is the 16th October 1998." I told them quietly. My throat tickled as I spoke, and instantly after I began to cough.

"That's a lovely name, Lotus. We'll get you some water and put on record who you are." Nurse Tina stood up, went to take my files and they both left the room.

I wanted to see Natasha. I wanted her to know that I was okay, that I could help her and her family situation. I wanted to befriend her and let her feel safe and special in my company.

When the nurses came back a few minutes later with some water and my files, they smiled once again at me, placing the files down and handing me the water.

I sipped carefully, not wanting to spill the water all over myself; I wanted every last drop. I was so thirsty, even though I hadn't noticed it at first. It was probably because I hadn't actually drank anything in over 3 weeks. My mouth was dry still, and my throat was still sore.

"Some more?" Asked nurse Lanie, and I simply nodded with a faint smile as I look away from her.

She left the room and nurse Tina came and sat down next to me again.

"When will Natasha be here again?" I asked her.

She looked at me for a moment before replying, " I'm not entirely sure, sweetie. She usually comes every day or two, but she hasn't been round today yet. Besides, it's only really lunchtime, she's probably at school because it is a Thursday. Be hopeful, you could meet her later today!" She said gently with a hopeful tone.

She stood up slowly, and smiled directly at me, " I'll bring you in some lunch if you're hungry." Then she just left.

I stayed sat up in my hospital bed for a while waiting for her to return with some food, but I was also waiting for Natasha. I was hoping that she'd just burst through the door any moment and see me awake and I'd get to see her eyes as they light up as she sees that I'm gonna be okay.

But for ages passed, and no one came through my door. I decided to lay back as my back has began to hurt and tire me out by sitting upright. There wasn't anything to do in the hospital room. I didn't have any books or anything. The only thing I could do would be to sleep, but I didn't want to sleep either because I could have missed the nurse with my food or I'd have missed Natasha because I was resting my eyes.

I had to sit and wait - patiently.

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