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Confessions: Part 1

KaiStar:*tapping annoyingly* YAAAAMMMMIIIII~

Yami:*sighs and looks*What Kai?

KaiStar:*gives him a cupcake with a blue heart candy*Here, I made you a cupcake~

Yami:*hesitantly takes cupcake*Thanks....?

KaiStar:*skips out*

Yami:*quizzical look*Kai doesn't own 'Yu-Gi-Oh'




Player(s):Seto Kaiba

Plan A: 'Alone Time'~

Kaiba waited impatiently for class to get out for him to go to lunch, not for the food,free time, or girls. But just to see the guy of his dream; Yami Sennen.

/Damn bell! Hurry up and ring!!/ he looked out the window deep in his own thought; he was snatched from his thought when he heard the bell.

"FINALLY!" The annoying blonde shouted. "Come on Yug, hurry itup!" He yelled tugging on his boyfriends arm.

"I'm coming! Just give me a second!" He shouted back snatching his arm away from him. "Baka..."he mumbled, he put his books in his bag then walked out the classroom.

"W-wait up....don't leave me with..."he ran after him so Kaiba couldn't hear the rest. He started to leave when he looked up he met crimson eyes and a pale face.

"Kaiba, your finally ready. Everyone was wondering where you were....so I came to look for you." His smooth baritone voice sounded like silk.

"I'm fine, I was just getting my things..."he tried not to stare into the former pharaoh's eyes. "There was no need to look for me...."he replied coldly.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok, no need to be s-"he was cut off by Kaiba's lips on his, he looked at Kaiba's closed eyes and saw a blush against his skin.

He kissed back closing his eyes, their lips moved in sync with each other, Yami brushed his tongue across Kaiba's bottom lip asking for entrance.

Kaiba jerked back blushing red and ran out the classroom;Yami chased him and trapped him in the locker room. "Kaiba, why did you kiss me?" He asked softly.

"I ha-have a con-confess-confession for you Yami Sennen.....I l-" he was cut off by the bell ringing for them to go to class. Yami unlocked the door and they walked out.

/Oh My Ra, I can't believe I just kissed him. I have to keep calm around him.../Kaiba blushed and licked his lips as he walked into class.

"I saw that Kaiba...."Yami laughed and walked to his class.

"Shut up Yami and go to class....."he blushed darker. /Why does my pride control my feelings?/ he thought and sat at his desk.



KaiStar:*skips in and sees Yami on the floor foaming at the mouth*Hmm....I think that I may have killed him....

Paramedics:*walk in and put Yami on a stretcher*Family members only....

Atem:*follows them out*

Kaiba:Well there goes Yami....*pats Joey's head*

KaiStar:Well I hope you all enjoyed that and cupcakes for all curtsy of me and Oliver Kirkland's special recipe!!*holds out a tray of cupcakes with pink frosting and blue sprinkles*

Yugi:*cries, wipes tears*Please vote, comment, and share...request and OC's welcome.....

Heba:Dont forget to follow!

All of us except Yugi: Bye Akachans <3

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