Many Deaths

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"We let them come

they ruined our home,

They ruined our trees

And stole from the bees,

They killed us for our horns

And now many mourn,

And now I send you to seek revenge

And this world shall be ours all over again."

I'm Georgie I was A normal person like most of you reading but now, it's hard to explain... It all started 6/6/1806 the Devil's Day with one simple spell.


Bill Stevens age 40 was found dead in the woods...

William Shagbark, age 18 was hunting in the north woods when he found a body lying torn apart ¨It took me a while to recognize him but soon I realized it was my old pal Bill!¨ But that wasn't the only thing he found, ¨ I looked up to see two fierce eyes I caught one glimpse of his teeth and ran.¨

That was all it took to make me break into a run I stormed into the house breathlessly, ¨Where is Tommy!¨ I yelled to my Pop.

¨Did you get the paper?¨ Pop questioned.

¨Yes! Where is Tommy? Tell me now! ¨ I yelled back

¨Do not use that tone with me,¨ he said strictly, ¨And I sent him to get wood,¨he added quietly.

¨Which forest?!¨ I asked.

¨What do you mean which forest? The closest one, of course, the north forest.¨ a moment of silence passed, "Why did you ask?¨

I looked up at him a tear trickled down my now red cheeks onto the cold stone floor as I handed the paper to him. What happened next was a blur. Pop sent me to my room and then set off to get his friend Pete, then they both ran into the woods looking for Tommy. All the while I sat on my bed counting the minutes and praying. It was late when my pop finally got home. He was sweating like he ran a hundred miles and his shirt, oh, his shirt was covered by a fresh layer of blood and ripped to threads! He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, he did not speak a word but he did not need to his eyes told the story Tommy my brother, my best friend, who I wanted to be happy, funny, and a hard worker was gone, gone with the wind.

My Pop and I cried for hours that day. I cried for someone to pull my braid, someone to look up to, someone to hug me, someone to be my friend, and I cried for my brother. I did not stop crying only for my brother's picture but I was still crying inside it felt like someone took a chunk of my heart. My mama was killed giving birth to my sister Jenny, my papa starved himself, Jenny too weak without mama, Sammy drowned, and now Tommy was gone with them now my only family is Pop.

My Pop never talked again only cried and carved. He carved like his life depended on it. He carved love and joy into pieces at the same time sadness and even though the tombstone was going in the back yard for a simple townsman he carved it like it was for a king because for us he was one. I liked Pops carvings even though the coffin will never be shown, the tombstone will. The days getting ready for the funeral I spent between Nanas (when my mama and papa died she was like a mother) I watched her sew the clothes that Tommy would wear. Before I knew it the funeral came, my house was filled with voices and people bringing food for us. Finally 30 minutes after the funeral started the men in our village lifted up the coffin and put it next to the hole that was dug they were about to lift the coffin up again when I yelled out ¨STOP!¨ my actions were returned with many rude stares that burned into my back but I still made my way up to the coffin I put his everyday clothes in the coffin ¨he did not like wearing his Sunday clothes,¨ I muttered. Then I started to come back, As they lifted up the coffin for the second time A heard a whisper


Hey I made it less confusing plz tell me if its still confusing 

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