Tricky Trio!

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Amber: Jack! What the hell she was bitten she's going to turn we need to put her down!amber said this drawing her great sword staring at kana in bed hugging Jamie. She has to be put down and buried..we can't risk it rememeber last time......we lost a year's worth of incredible supplies for this because of you and Mark helping that damn girl! And letting her stay with us we lost it all!including my cousin!!!NOW G- she was shut up by Mark with a katana to her neck. Mark:she is my sister if she starts turning...then we'll put her down...before she can completely turn. Okay...?he said shaking. A day later kana had a bad fever but it was because Amber had Carl give her extra blankets and hot foods when she was unattended. Kana told Jack though about this and he banned them from being allowed to care for her. Leaving Lauren to be the last trump card. Lauren: I'm  not getting her kicked out... But..everyone heard a shriek outside and it sounded like Jamie kana zipped past the 3 with her sword in her hand to Jamie who was yanked outside the gate by a zombie Kana:HANDS OFF JAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!kana stabbed it in the head violently and pushed Jamie inside and pulled and locked the gate once she got in to. Jack:what the hell's going on? He saw Jamie crying scared and kana with her sword and the dead zombie outside the gate Kana: it pulled her though because her shoe slipped outside... I came running and whew....what an exercise she tossed Jamie her shoe and fell over exhausted from using all the energy she could muster then to run to save Jamie. I think.... I'll take a nap fell asleep instantly and Jamie wiped her eyes. Jamie:thank you kana....amy held Jamie close and smiled crying saying thank you God over and over and thank you kana. Amy:you should get her inside Jack nodded picking her up bridal style and going past the three who stared in shock because of how fast kana was and reckless she got for Jamie. Lauren:see...she risked her other arm to help little Jamie. She isn't bad and she's not one of them. Jack:guys go check all the fences and change the codes to 5218 and Mark take Jamie to the little kid room and read to her it'll ease her mind. Carl make amy tea before you join the others to check the gates and fences everyone nodded and did as told. Amber:ok every code is 5218 and another gate was open....none had gotten in though sir so don't worry and I'd think kana is fit to do weapon and ammo runs and food and clothes runs you know? Jack:i..i don't know...she still seems sick..and she just collapsed... I don't want us losing anymore people okay? Now we're going to go and check the school for any medicine in the nurses office and books and stuff to teach Jamie with and to burn. Kana:hey guys I'm going to join you on that raid...i am okay to help in anything you saw me run and flip my shit for the kid and I'm good Jack kissed kanas forehead Jack:sorry but no love your going to rest and the new code is 5218 Incase you do go out. Kana:thanks I have a friend or so to look for I'll be at the highschool they worked their before welll this so yeah kana went got changed and went out to the local high school taking a car off the streets and hotwiring it one handedly there we go now then....time seemed to have frozen kana and Jack though far apart had a bad feeling as well as Mark. Mark:everyone needs to be careful okay? Me and Jack have a bad feeling like something is going to happen... Jack:so guys I need you to watch the house and your also all luckily forgiven for trying to get kana booted
=======================a/n time Yaaaay ============-============================================
Now then! I'm about to make something happen to kana and yes. She is going to get bit but she is not going to turn all the way but to the point where she can regenerate limbs like her arm and be faster I'll provide an explanation for her speed but yeah she's JSUT a fit person and all that so enjoy the stuff!
Kana shook the feeling off and headed in with a decent sized empty backpack she parked the car inside the gated area so she could load up good. Kana:i still have that damn feeling....hmm.....she suddenly had a throbbing headache and collapsed onto the ground with a thud. Within 10 minutes she woke up seeing some zombies shuffling to her as she got up abit weakened. Hmm...i can't run or it'll go on me and get a chunk....unaware another had grabbed her from behind and bit into her shoulder as she cried out in fear pain and heart wrenching heart ache. NOOOOOOO!!!she stabbed it and the other came but she stabbed it and hurried into the car and locked it rolling up all windows. this can't fucking be happening....this can't be fucking real....please dear God let me be having a nightmare...she blacked out in the backseat and woke up hours later it was dark and she heard low groaning passing the vehicle.... No....she felt for her nub but found her arm was back? What the...?I... But...i thought he cut my arm off...and what the??she could smell and hear Jackson...screaming from the elementary school.. Kana started the car and drove there quickly and went in and hurried to find him. Jackson!!Jackson where are you?! She looked around and found him and 8 kids and some blonde bimbo clinging to him as well as Amber slowly getting surrounded. Oh hell no. Kana quickly killed all the ones around them and after which noticed Jackson staring at where her nub should be. Yeah I know I know...freaky and weird and what the hell I know we can talk later. Did you get what we need? Jackson nodded and they all hurriedly took the kids to their home and had the blonde girl clean them up. Jackson:now explain what the FRICK happened and why your shoulder has scars. Kana looked down and grabbed him and mark and dragged them outside. Kana:this is gonna sound crazy and your probably gonna kill me...literally...okay so I was going to gather books and stuff....and was looking for my friends to... My head started throbbing I passed out...i think 10 minutes later I woke up. I saw a few zombies shuffling my way and started thinking how to get out unharmed...then one came behind me and bit into my shoulder....i hurried out to the car...passed out for....afew hours I think...i woke up went to feel for my nub and felt my arm...then I heard you Jack...screaming....i could smell...fear..from you those kids...i heard and could smell it I drove fast and went to help...and here we are after what you saw. But I don't feel sick or like I'm turning. I feel in complete control and----this was cut off by Jamie and Amy screaming and sounded like they were running. Kana:...............she ran at inhumane speed into the house drawing her sword and saw the blonde girl was now a zombie and ate 3 of the kids kana quickly killed the four zombies before any others got bit. fast...and what the....she fainted (yeah kanas kinda immortal Now it'll be useful later much later if. Ican make this long book.) Jackson and Mark were petrified with fear and shock and ran to check and saw the half eaten faces and heads of the three kids and the bite hidden on the blonde girls neck by her hair. Jackson:holy shit....check the other five kids mark did so while jackson locked his eyes on kana and put her to bed. Damn...hope shes okay..i ..i can't lose will just be to much.. Amber longed to have Jack notice and love HER not some zombie bitch! Grinning and she walked up to him hugging his back resting her chin in his shoulder. Amber:i heard about kana real shame..but you know we have to now..with how fast she is we won't stand a chance if she turns....jack:no...i ...i can't and I won't let you or anyone...they stopped and Jackson heard kana groaning in pain. He ran pushing Amber off him hard and he saw her sword in her stomach and her blood was the same as the zombies. Jack:no....kana...look I love you so much..but you need to leave...i don't want to put you down...kana was harshly kicked out of the house she ran crying as Amber shot at her. Kana:WHY?! She was out deep in the forest bawling her eyes out. She'd attracted eight onto her as she screamed and cried as they bit her more and tore at her flesh. JACKSON WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone could hear her scream and then it fell silent making Jackson feel horrible. Jack:SHE WAS ALIVE AND OK AMBER YOU DUMB FUCK YOU MADE ME SEND HER TO HER DEATH!! He broke down screaming and crying kana listened weeping in pain with barely any body left kana:why.. Am I still alive...she blacked out feeling nothing and woke the next day to see she'd been fully regenerated. How...just...she ran back to the gate and tried to enter the code damn....they changed it....she sat and wept by the gate. Mark: went outside hearing Kana and crying and opened it. Kana why are you out here crying...and I' heard your scream yesterday..kana cried harder shaking violently kana:i thought Jack loved me....and if I were come I'm still in one piece and here I got torn to hell yesterday..that is why I screamed....mark was furious he dragged kana inside and sat her down and went to jacks room and she heard fighting and hard hits then crying and walking. Jack: saw kana and cried more and held her tightly causing her to wince kana:why....why did you kick me out..i thought you loved me...jack kissed her jack:i do love you...but.. Kana shoved him back I have to eat like a zombie. I have to eat flesh and brains so goodbye...she ran away. She ran into Amber who was grinning and grabbing many things to win Jack over. She heard a low groan and growl. Amber :haha she got ready to stab at the zombie she heard and saw kana. K..kana your...alive? Kana growled violently and grabbed Amber's face kana:sorry Amber but I need to eat....she tore Amber to shreds devouring every bit of her. She turned and saw Jack chased her and witnessed her eat Amber. Kana:leave me alone damn it... Jack:no kana...i intend to win you back....i love you...i will get you people to eat...kanas features softened and she looked him in the eye with blood around her mouth.kana:you really would....?you love me that much???he nodded fast and kissed kana deeply.

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