Chapter 1

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I absolutely hate the sea.
It's salty and somehow all you get is sand in your underpants. Just look at the sand and poof- now it's in every nook and cranny of your body. And there's seaweed, too. Why would whoever the hell created this earth decide to think 'Oh! I'm going to make a slimy, gross object and just put it in the ocean were it collects salt and now its crusty and slimy'. Then there's boats- like what the fuck, how do you even survive without getting sea sick?
And we know more about space than our on ocean like what even, you have absolutely know idea what's in there and to me, that's a little creepy. Fuck the ocean.

Now after my whole littl- what the hell big rant on the ocean can someone in the right mind explain to me why the fuck im I sitting here in the hull of this  stupid ship going to god knows where because my dad was feeling spontaneous.

Fuck being spontaneous, I hate spontaneous people. The are possible the worst people by far, always risking there lives or simple saying yolo while doing something stupid.

Well enough about spontaneous people I hear my dad calling me. Getting up from my oh so comfy bean bag chair, I slowly teetered towards the narrow stairwell leading up to the deck. Oh god im going to vomit. I swear when I become president im going to make the ocean illegal. Who the fuck im a kidding im way to lazy to become the president.

Getting to the top of the deck I looked around for my dad. And there he was lookin like he owned the friken world with his sailor cap, inside his weird little cabin with all the controls to this big stupid boat. Walking up to him I tapped on the window to the door of the cabin. Looking over at me he smiled, tapping some buttons on the control pad he turned around and opened the door. " my son I need to tell you something." He kind of did this little nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. " Well you see there seems to be a really big storm heading our way and I just wanted to tell you in advance because the ride will be a little bumpy." Fucking great I mean really, god I hate this. " Well thank you for telling me dad, but isn't  it bad if we get caught in storm." I asked. He kind of gave me this look like 'do you think a petty storm is gonna get in my way' well excuse fucking me.

"Son listen, this ship, my beautiful Alexandra, by the way thats how you got your name but thats not important, whats really important is that this baby here is damn near storm proof." Sigh, I swear my dad should have just married this damn boat instead of my whore step-mother thats probably off fucking some boy-toy of hers, that hoe. " whatever you say dad all I know is that I hope to god I sleep through the whole damn thing, don't wake me up for anything and I mean anything, got it dad." He chuckled. " of course, of course you go on and take you nap." He shooed me out of the cabin and turned back towards his beloved ship controls.

Walking back towards the stairs I hurriedly walked down them taking to steps at a time. Fuck that was a mistake I thought as I felt the boat lunge forward and my foot miss the step and my whole body just kind of collapse down the rest of the stairs.

God damn I hope the rest of the trip isn't that bad



Thats all felt when hit the hard floor of the cabin floor. Everything was shaking. Like really bad, everything was moving and shifting. All you could hear is glass shattering left to right. And I was cold, really cold and wet. Oh god why was I wet! Looking down I noticed that I had fallen into a big puddle on the floor. The room was tilted so where I was, was the deepest part of the puddle.
Hearing the sound of rushing water and lightning clashing on the water I looked towards the stairs and saw water pouring down. Fuck. Getting up quickly, I rushed towards the stairs, quickly but carefully going up them.

Oh my god....
It was horrible. The sky was black and pelting the earth with needle like drops of water that stabbed my skin. The wind was blowing so hard and so fast that I thought the poles holding up the sails would break in two like toothpicks. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked around for my dad. He was inside his control room running around looking panicked. Well thats not good. Reaching out for the railing I started pulling myself against the wind towards the room.

I was about half way there when a wave that had have to had been 15 ft tall crashed on to the side of the boat, sending the boat into a tilt that made it seem like it was going to flip over at any second. I had slipped on the wet floor and hit my head on the railing of the boat.

Getting up slowly I felt my vision start to go black and splitting into two. Groaning I looked at the light of my dads room and started stumbling towards it, I needed to hurry I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness.

Finally getting to his door I pounded on the cold wet glass of the port hole. I could see my father running frantically around his control panel. Fuck we're so screwed. I put my hands up to my temples as I felt a stabbing pain shoot through my head, it was like some got a hammer and repeatedly pounded it on my skull. Holding my hand up I started to tap on the window again when I saw my  hand was streaked with red blood. Oh fuck I'm bleeding, fuckfuckfuckfuck. Banging again on the thick window of door hoping me my dad will hear me.

God fucking dammit dad just look this way please. I keep banging harshly on the glass, I was running out of time and blood. Why is Jesus mad or Poseidon, or who ever the hell controls the water. Maybe it's Mother Nature yea it's gotta be Mother Nature, wait why the fuck I'm arguing about this I'm about to DIE. Looking through the glass I saw my dad turn towards me in a haste. Gathering up al my strength I pounded on the small window and screamed "DAD!"

He looked towards me and I saw his eye widen in shock. Stumbling towards the door he fumbled with the handle till he finally got it open. "Son oh my god are you okay. Jesus there so much blood, hurry get in-" my dad wasn't able to finish his sentence when an ear splintering crack resonated through out the ship. Lightning had struck the tall mast of the ship sending it up in flames in an instant. I notice that the water in the stairs was raising rapidly. Fuuuuuck, this is not good. "Dad we need to call for help like right now."

It was like he couldn't hear me as he turned back to his control board, smashing buttons and turn multiple wheels."Dad!" I shouted. But he kept frantically pressing buttons."DAD!" Grabbing him roughly by the shoulders, I turned him to face me. I gasped softly as I saw that his eyes were dilated so much that his once baby blue irises were pitch and black. They were looking around frantically as he struggled out of grip towards the control board again. This time I grabbed his face, and smacked him a few time on each cheek trying to get him to focus on me. "Dad, dad look at me you need to focus we need to get help." It seemed like that final gave him a shock to his system and he stopped frantically moving and looked at me. " Oh son, oh my baby boy." He kept blubbering on and on about me being his baby boy and his precious son. "No one is gonna come, no one can come. I tried, I tried so many times no one answered and now the antenna is broken and there's no one."   And with that he broke into pitiful sobs, with his knees buckling to the floor. He kept on saying that it was his fault and that he should have listened to me earlier.

"Dad now is not the time to be panicking like this, we need to do something." Looking back out towards the deck I noticed that the fire started to spread towards the room and I quickly grabbed my dads hand an started to rush him to the exit. "We need to get off the boat where are the life boats located." He looked around blindly before feebly saying that it was on the east side of the boat. Nodding my head I grabbed his wrist and rushed him towards the other side of the boat. The faster we get there, the faster we get off this god forsaken boat. We had barely gotten to the east side when another tall wave crashed into the side of the boat sending the whole thing on its side. It was like everything had gone in slow motion as the floor had disappeared from my feet and my head snapped on to the cold wet floor. I could see my dad from my peripheral vision screaming as he slid down and while I was watching him fall I realized something. I'm falling too.

(Hi there this is the first chapter to a new story I am writing I won't be posting any more chapters for a while this is kind of like a sample and if I get enough likes and comments I'll post the next chapter. And as always I will always accept criticism.)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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