Hermione Granger

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You smiled at me. I didn't understand. Were you smiling at the person behind me? But, there was no one but me in this place. At this hour. Hogwarts was still with its silence. No one but me here, yet you smile at me like a dream in the daylight.


"Hey, Granger," you laughed lightly, with undertone of mischief, "wanna hear a secret?"

I didn't understand you, but I knew your pranks. So, I listen carefully. Spreading awareness. Beware of this sly snake. I narrowed my eyes.

You laughed.

At me.

Then you said,

"I love you silly."

I didn't understand you, but I knew you hated my gut. So I could be careless with your light confession. I didn't need your lie or to even believe it.

"No joke, Malfoy. It is past night time. I suggest you return to your dorm now," I slipped demand in my voice. You should obey me. I was a prefect after all. "And five points from Slytherin."

You barely hid an amused smile in your lips. "So serious, Granger. Why? Scared being alone here with me?"

I gritted my teeth, not happy at all with your taunting. You smirked.

"I have told you my feeling."

I heard your voice among the whisper of chilling wind. You said something related to feelings, but do you have one?

Your smile was devoid of love. Yet you said,

"Your turn, Granger. Tell me, say it:

'I love you too, Malfoy.'"


Did you remember the sting of bee you hated very much? You told me, whispering into my ears about the story of your childhood. In the dim light of autumn shower in the library. The patter of rain on the window was unexpectedly soothing. You closed your eyes and started talking as if I was a willing listener for your story.

You smiled, but I didn't. I frowned. I wanted to leave but the book in my hand was too interesting. And I didn't want to be shied away by your annoying intrusion. I wanted you to go away, found another place and another person to annoy. But I knew what your argument was.

"You are my girlfriend. I want to annoy you, and only you."

I grumbled, but you kept talking like nothing happened. I was tired with your constant bothersome acts. You pushed your way onto my life and began to mess it up one after one component. Since when did you start liking me anyway? You give me no answer. Instead you smirked smugly,

"Why? Fall for me already? Ah wait, you already fall for me, right?"

I found it extremely annoying.

Then you said, "I know a nice place to read." You grabbed my hand without my consent and dragged me out of the library. I didn't know how come Madam Pince didn't realize our little commotion. You were confident with your steps, ignoring my angry fuss and hiss.


Where did everyone go? Hallway was empty. Every place we passed was unexpectedly empty.

Where did everyone go?

You halted, spreading your arms suddenly. You exclaimed in pleasure, "I love this place! You have to love it too!"

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